hi again...
i'm getting my butt kicked by the new makeMDL
with the fs2002 version, exporting was a tricky business, but now it's impossible
i have it installed just like the instrucions said and it even opens up and starts to export...
but after a LONG time exporting , when it was suposed to finish up and close, it slaps an error message into my face
the error log says:
Start! (C:\fs2004\Aircraft\project 737\model\737.x)
Loading X C:\fs2004\Aircraft\project 737\model\737.x...
Model units are 1024.00 units/meter
Sorting by Material...
Optimize Parts...
Generate BGL...
Assembling: C:\fs2004\Aircraft\project 737\model\737.azm
C:\fs2004\Aircraft\project 737\model\737_1.asm(17213) : error A2054: forced error : value not equal to 0 : 65536
ERRS16(1): Macro Called From
IFMSK(7): Macro Called From
C:\fs2004\Aircraft\project 737\model\737_1.asm(17213): Include File
this problem is obviously caused by something in the exterior model, since i was able to export the interior separately...
what do i do? ??? ??? ???