For many years now I have been reading up on and following suggestions for tweaking modems. Mine is a dial up, but info was available for cable and dsl as well. Out here, I am stuck with 56k for the forseeable future.
Anyway, for a long time I recommended TCPOptiomizer form Speedquide... (One of my favorite tweaking sites)
Then I stumbled onto this link in their forum. Followed the instructions, got the free software they recommended (CableNut) and performed the tweaks. Very easy if you have just a little knowlege of your machine.
I cannot recommend strongly enough to those interested in or already play games online to visit this link I am giving, get the software and perform the tweaks. I am amazed at the difference it made for me.
Here is the link to the info in Speedquide's forum.!: The first four or five topics are the ones you want to read, all of them. In each one is great and useful info.
Good luck and hope this helps you online gamers as it did me.