The ISD Project designers have created some fantastic freeware sceneries. I chose to fly the Carenado Cessna Centurion around northern Italy where most of their sceneries are located. They are worth a look and download from or They may have some sceneries here at Simviation.
Here we are doing a preflight, making sure it will get us up in the air safely.

Taking off out of Venice.

Making our turn to the west.

Flying between the cloud layers.

Final decent and turn towards the airport.

Mixture idle-cutoff, lights, radios, mags, master off.

Thanks for flying with me.
Windows XP SP1&&Motherboard: Epox 8RDA + main board&&Processor: AMD XP2500 Barton CPU&&Memory: PC2700 1gb Geil DDR&&Hard Drive: SEA HDD IDE 40GB 7M 40GPP&&Hard Drive: Western Digital 40gb 8mb cache&&Monitor 15 LCD Flat Panel Display (15 viewable)&&Video Card: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro&&Sound Card: Creative Labs Audigy 2