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Land of Giants... (Read 1198 times)
Jan 15th, 2004 at 8:45pm

Noddy   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
I love flying my Hurricane

Posts: 8
I fly mainly RAF as being an x-Brit here in the States that seems the right thing to do.
Perhaps we would say 95% of my flying is for them, with the once in a very blue moon flying for the Luftwaffe.
Today was one of those blue moons..So there I am sitting on  the runway ready to take off and bomb the hell out of London. But before I go I decide to have a look around my loaded bomber..The pilot has a very big smile on his face..I wonder why I think?
So off I jolly well go, all's well as I head across the Channel..but I here "Beam Me Up Scotty" in the, just my imagination.
Now i'm getting close to London..Battersea Power Staion is my selected target..Now whats this...I have been transported to the Land Of The Giants ...Dam it I was right 'StarTrek' is around here...Battersea Power Staion is HUGE, and I mean HUGE.... but wait so is everything else....Now I lived in London for many years and saw Battersea Power Station on many many occasions..I can tell you never in a million years was that, or anything else around as big as this! No wonder the Pilot had a smile on this face as just think what his 'diddle doo' must be like at that scale!!! Perhaps that's not the joystick at all that we look at !!!   Perhaps my 'sim's an old DOS version?? Does anybody remember those early days when everything was so stupid..can it be that MicroSoft in there wisdom have gone back in time?? Perhaps they used 'warp factor -5.25?'
The scaling of everything is really so way off..How can anybody think this is a good sim? For all those that are having   'kittens' and junmping to it's defence I think you should look at IL 2 or IL FB and see what it should really be like..I always thought, and this proves it, that MS had a panic when they saw that they have been knocked of there perch, and are no longer the ONLY sim around...So they bring out this 'balls-up'
Maybe we will find it in Kelloggs Corn Flakes as a free be..To charge what they did for it is too silly for words..No wonder I found it for $15 in my local store..I thought that a mistake had been made with the price, but on asking the guy behind the counter  he said 'No thats right'...I couldn't beleve my ears thinking I had got a bargin...I bet he had a good laugh at my expense...
All I can say Mr Gates and all those fine people at MS is
if you think I will buy CFS4 think again buddy...My money will be with Ubi Soft from now on.
The intrest they show in putting any problems right go far beyond the call of duty..  MS give the impression of 'more fool you' in buying it..if you think we are going to fix any problems think again..So I close with my final comment to MS....Tweak This.... 8)
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Reply #1 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 3:26pm
Bob_Ruff   Ex Member

Removing all our personal impressions as sim pilots out of this and asking men that flew these planes, the real ones, claim the IL-2 A/C do not fly correctly, although they follow with your observations as to easier to play and more fun etc. But, they claim the flight engine in CFS3 with the 1% aircraft, are the closest thing to correct flight models anyone has ever done.
Neither is good enough IMO. But, IL-2 will never get any better while CFS3 improves every day. And, those of us that do that improving are having more fun making those add ons, than playing the game.
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Reply #2 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 4:34pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Posts: 12574
Most of us here have tried IL2 in one form or another and have gone back to CFS. I've done so myself.

Also, I think you must realise that Battersea powerstation is a pretty big place. You just might not be used to looking at it from a Ju88. Could we have a screenshot to show us just how big it is? Smiley

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #3 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 11:24pm

Noddy   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
I love flying my Hurricane

Posts: 8
I no longer have a picture of the BPS, I take it that is what you wanted a picture off ?? and not the Pilot;s 'joystick'..
Sure I know that Battersea Power Staion was rather on the big side, I saw it enough at one time..Yes I even flew over it..But although not in a Heinkel when I did, it still was not that the scale to that and other London points, you have to admit someone was in 'cookoo land' with there thinking !
It all deprnds on who you talk with regarding the flight models. I have known, as well as spoken with a few x- BoB as well as US Army pilots in my time. They are more then impressed with IL2 and IL there we have a stale mate..Nothing is like flying the real thing, so until you, or I can (meaning the aircraft in the sim) do that 'each to there own opinion'.
I understand your defence of MS I have given my thoughts after flying many from days of old, and I just dont like doing the 'seaside shuffle' or 'moonwalk' while im trying to fly level heading towards my target.
I have never yet seen, or been on a flight that stops for a spilt second while flying, and I dont see why I should have to except that now.
The makers of IL2 and IlFB are forever bringing out updates, which to me proves that they are concerned to make there product RIGHT,,,it is not left up to you, or me to figure out the problems, and then when we do quickly jump in after the fact and claim the credit as they, MS have ..
MS has some good points yes, but they have far greater bad points in my mind. As they say, to each his own.
I look forward very much to the new BoB from Ubi Soft when it comes out. On there past showing it can only be better.

In the meantime carry on 'Tweaking' with CFS3..I;m 'tweaked out i'm afraid'.. 8)
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Reply #4 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 12:12am

Katahu   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 6920
I made a little shrine of my own that forever reminds why I like this and that.

This shrine is made up of a small table. On top of it is a chess set with the holy bible in the middle. Just behind the chess set are 3 simulator packages. CFS3, FS9, and IL-2 FB.

Why do I have CFS3 displayed on my little shrine? Because it is to remind me of the mistake I made in just recklessly buying stuff without paying attention to the warnings. Roll Eyes

I use to like CFS3, but only for no more than half a month.

The American planes in IL-2 FB are not that accurate [I understand] because the IL-2 series was made entirely by a RUSSIAN developement team. Therefore, they have a lot of knowledge of Russian aircraft, but little knowledge of American aircraft. The great news about them is that they are quickly improving as we speak.

Some of the Russian developement members ARE graduates of an Avaition university in Moscow.

I have said this before and I will say it again: CFS3 SUCKS!!!!!!! I use to like it UNTIL I got my hands on IL-2 FB.

In CFS3, the aircraft reflections are too much. The DVC of each aircraft doesn't seem to satisfy me enough. The bridges are too easy to destroy [just a few shots from a very weak machine gun]. The AI enemy ground units seem to ride through the bridges, even if the bridges are completely destroyed. I don't feel any sense of purpose in the dynamic campagne. The clouds stink. Most of the time, it's too easy to complete a mission [mission complete after sinking just 1 ship out of a fleet of 9 ships]. The AI is dumb and they take too long to attack. The dynamic campagn skips too many days after every mission, therfore leaving me no time to prevent or stop a German Offensive. The Allied side loses to quickly, thus making a very quick war that ended too soon. And most often, the warp takes to VERY HIGH altitude when the target enemy aircraft are at a VERY LOW altitude.

And the list goes on.

I do agree that CFS2 is better than CFS3. But I still have my doubts about any CFS series made by M$.

I use to play Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Rayman, and the 1st IL-2 sim. All made by UBI. And they are great.
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Reply #5 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 12:22am

Katahu   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 6920
The reason why IL-2 BoB is taking a long time to be finished [to be released in 2005] is because BoB involves AMERICAN and BRITISH aircraft.

So, those Russians are taking their time so that they can gain more-than-enough knowledge on how American and British planes handle.

Unlike M$, which is NOW rushing its products so that they can TRY to stay ahead of the competition.

Thanks a lot BILL GATES!!! I hope you retire early enough. Angry
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Reply #6 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 3:50pm
Bob_Ruff   Ex Member

I am so sure of my faith in God, I don't have to prove anyone else wrong in order to know I am right.

People that are unsure of their faith, are always offended by someone that believes different and insist on arguing. Are they so unsure of their believe they must convince you that yours is wrong for them to be right?

Point is, I have not gone over to IL-2 forums and made  the better points of CFS3 the reason why IL-2 is inferior. I feel we should do or not do the one we enjoy.
I am not a troll.
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Reply #7 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 4:15pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

Gender: male
Posts: 12574
Wulfman, you are wasting your time. Kahatu is a little narrow minded when it comes to the pro's and con's of any particular sim. And considering this is a CFS3 forum, I more than often wonder what he is doing here. Undecided

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #8 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 5:17pm

4_Series_Scania   Offline
He who laughs last, thinks
Stoke on Trent England U.K.

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Posts: 3638
The reason why IL-2 BoB is taking a long time to be finished [to be released in 2005] is because BoB involves AMERICAN and BRITISH aircraft.

So, those Russians are taking their time so that they can gain more-than-enough knowledge on how American and British planes handle.

Unlike M$, which is NOW rushing its products so that they can TRY to stay ahead of the competition.

Thanks a lot BILL GATES!!! I hope you retire early enough. Angry

I need my Coat........  Roll Eyes

Posting drivel here since Jan 31st, 2002. - That long!
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Reply #9 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 7:08pm

Katahu   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 6920
I more than often wonder what he is doing here. Undecided

I have seen one or two people in the IL-2 forums making seriously bad comments about IL-2 while they support CFS3. Therefore, I started to go to the CFS3 forums and make seriously bad comments about CFS3.

So basically, monkey see monkey do. Roll Eyes
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Reply #10 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 7:15pm

Katahu   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 6920
PS: If it wasn't for those people I mentioned, I wouldn't have to go over here and start blurting things out.
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Reply #11 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 7:16pm

Katahu   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 6920
OK. I may have overeacted.

But still. Those people tempted me to a point.
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Reply #12 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 7:45pm

Katahu   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 6920
I will forever regret saying this, but my conscience told me to. Roll Eyes

I'm sorry I over reacted about CFS3 and FS9 and so on and so forth. Woodlouse, you are right about me. I promise you I won't make a bad complaint about these sims ever again.

Ok, there, I said it. Ya happy now? Grin

Ya guys better not go braggin about this all over the forums. If I find out, I'll kick your behinds. Grin

PS: I found those same couple of guys [the ones i previously mentioned] a playing IL-2 online a few hours ago. They say they hate IL-2 but I caught them playing it. ???

Anyways, I taught them a lesson by vulching them [if you know what i mean] while they were still sitting on their airbase. Roll Eyes
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Reply #13 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 8:46pm

4_Series_Scania   Offline
He who laughs last, thinks
Stoke on Trent England U.K.

Gender: male
Posts: 3638
If you've got sooooo much to say, Katahu, why do so in so many posts?

Flooding boards with "trollish" posts (trolling is the activity most forum mods would possibly consider of you....) isn't really on, by all means, say your piece - You've as much right as any other user.

Just spam elsewhere eh? Please!


Posting drivel here since Jan 31st, 2002. - That long!
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Reply #14 - Jan 17th, 2004 at 9:44pm

Katahu   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 6920
Trolling. Now that is the first term I have ever seen in these forums in ages. And it took this long for even one person to mention it. Roll Eyes

Would you rather see me make ONE LOOOOOONG post that takes up space? or bits and pieces?

EDIT: This is the first time I ever trolled.
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