I think I have an idea on how to create road traffic without Microsoft having to put it in for us.
Instead of using Macros, Scasms, and such, why not use the AI traffic as road traffic as well?
Just simply have many low-poly car models riding around on the roads. And since AI traffic can be affected by you in a certain way, it would seem realistic. Not only that, the AI ground population can be controlled in the same way as the air traffic.
The downside to this is that you need plenty of patience. This is because you need a lot of ground plans [better than saying flight plans] for the AI car models and certain number of streets. But it's best to just start off with the highways.
Since we have the latest version AFCAD, we can build our own road ways.
The only streets we need to make are the highways.
And since we have plenty of scenery-addon developers who make scenery for free, we'll have all the help we need.
This is how it goes.
Just make the road system for your city while other developers make the road system for their own city as well. Just by using the taxiways in AFCAD.
I guess Microsoft never thought of this method.
What do you guys think? Crazy, huh? LOL
But think about it. We want FS to come alive, don't we?
Don't forget about the Mercedes [released] and the Porsche [not yet done] you can drive around with.
We got everything we need in order to do this. AFCAD, FSDS, GMAX, TTools, and FSSC.
And we have the know-how.
PS: Pardon me for being a wierdo. LMAO!!!!!