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WWII Forum?? (Read 2788 times)
Dec 16
, 2003 at 1:49am
Professor Brensec
Can't you give me a couple
more inches, Adam?
Posts: 2955
I've been toying with the idea of suggesting this for a while, but wasn't sure of the reception, so I've finally just 'bitten the bullet'.
I've noticed a distinct 'fall off' in the number of topics posted concerning the WWII Aircraft, the battles, Campaigns and the people (compared to say, a year ago).
I understand how the 'more recent conflicts' can still be 'close to home' or still be a little 'politically charged', but WWII is a long way away, and I think there's little or no contention as to the 'morality' of the need for it to have taken place.
I also know that there are a number of people who don't have an interest in Warbirds or the comflicts in which they were sporned. But after all, many of us are here because of the CFS Sims, all WWII based. Many of us are also amatuer Historians of this era.
So, what about a forum dedicated to WWII, its aircraft, the events and tactics, the people and myriad of 'what if's' that may be a little boring for many in the General Forums.
cried because I had no shoes - until I saw a man who had no feet.&&&&Dell Dimension 8100 - Intel P4 1.7 Gb - 512 RD Ram - nVidia GeForce 128 mb FX5200.
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Reply #1 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 3:00am
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 19820
We all know what you really mean
What you want is a whole new board for arguing over what aircrafts were better
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Reply #2 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 3:10am
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
We all know what you really mean
What you want is a whole new board for arguing over what aircrafts were better
LOL Andrew. That's about right too.
Personally, I think there's already enough room for discussion on these subjects in the CFS & Real Aviation forums. Any more would just confuse things even more than they are already. Or is it only me that finds all these different sections confusing? ???
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Reply #3 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 4:31pm
Professor Brensec
Can't you give me a couple
more inches, Adam?
Posts: 2955
I know it would seem that I am lobbying for a separate forum for discussion aboiut the Warbirds. And yes, it's partly the case.
However, I (and others) enjoy the discussions about ALL the other aspects of the conflict and the period.
I'm also tired of people becoming bored (and saying so, rather than just leaving), whenever there is a discussion that goes in this direction. Personally, I could turn any discussion in to a WWI oriented discussion.
My thought is, if we can have a Music forum, and a Car forum in a site dedicated to Flight Simulation (probably Combat related more so than civilian), we should be able to have a Forum about the conflict and short period in which more progress was made in the area of flight than any other period in the century.
cried because I had no shoes - until I saw a man who had no feet.&&&&Dell Dimension 8100 - Intel P4 1.7 Gb - 512 RD Ram - nVidia GeForce 128 mb FX5200.
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Reply #4 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 4:50pm
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 19820
yes, I've always enjoyed the WW2 discussions, and woud frequent the board if it was created. But why limit it to just WW2? Why not include WW1, Vietnam, Korean, or any other war/conflict?
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Reply #5 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 4:55pm
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
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As a closet historian - my definitiion of which is I know enough to sound knowledgable to a neophyte - I like the topics/threads on historical issues. To this day, I enjoy finding out something I hadn't known before, or if I had known about it, learning a new fact the puts a new spin on the issue. I would be a "regular" in a History/WW2 topic - whether or not limited to the aviaion aspect.
As a suggestion, prof. we can gauge interest by prefacing an admitted "historical" topic by the period "WW2: Soviet helmet development" for example, or "WW2: Allied Use of Axis aircraft in squadron ops", "Spain: Most effective fighter - Cr.32 or I-15"
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Reply #6 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 5:00pm
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
The way I see it, war in itself is a controversial subject. I have strong feelings on the subject which might get the better of me. I think an unlimited War forum might be asking for trouble. Personally I like it the way it is, confined to aircraft.
Scorpion posted a more varied topic on WWII in the General Discussion forum. Even this ran the risk of getting out of hand on one occasion, caused by a perfectly innocent comment of mine that was misunderstood.
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Reply #7 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 5:13pm
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 19820
Personally I like it the way it is, confined to aircraft.
Even so, does it have to be limited to WW2 erra aircraft? There were aircraft used in other wars like WW1, Korea, & Vietnam that I would love to learn more about
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Reply #8 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 5:37pm
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Even so, does it have to be limited to WW2 erra aircraft? There were aircraft used in other wars like WW1, Korea, & Vietnam that I would love to learn more about
Post whatever question you like. You don't need a special forum to do that. If you ever visited the Fox Four site you might have noticed we specialise in the Korean conflict of 1950 - 53. If I don't know the answer you can bet I know someone who does.
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Reply #9 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 6:47pm
Professor Brensec
Can't you give me a couple
more inches, Adam?
Posts: 2955
I see the value in all the comments/arguments for and against the forum being specific to WWII.
Personally, as I made clear in my first post, there can still be some 'politically charged' aspects of the other conflicts, especially those involving the Middle East (even though they maybe, in themselves, quite short). Also Vietnam still to this day, can turn into the old 'moral' debate of "should the US (and Australia) have been there at all".
So for my part, I wouldn't be recommending an 'open war forum'. We could come unstuck very easily.
I think, anything other than the 2 World Wars and possibly Korea, could leave the forum vulnerable to too much 'emotional' debate or opinion. That's why my suggestion was for a specific period, i.e. WWII. Of course, WWI would not be a problem, but the air aspect of that conflict is a bit limited. Korea, as I said, would probably be 'safe' enough.
As for anything more recent, experience is that there is still to much 'division' in the general population as to the morality and purpose of these conflicts. Not so the world wars and maybe Korea.
I'd hate to see (is indeed the forum ever did become reality) the forum become a source of concern and censor, for Pete and the Mods straighjt off the mark. It wouldn't last long if that were the case.
No, I think up to Korea is the only safe way to ensure politics and morality don't become regular visitors to the forum.
cried because I had no shoes - until I saw a man who had no feet.&&&&Dell Dimension 8100 - Intel P4 1.7 Gb - 512 RD Ram - nVidia GeForce 128 mb FX5200.
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Reply #10 -
Dec 16
, 2003 at 9:52pm
Flying Trucker
Ex Member
It would seem we need a reason to insert a new forum, perhaps our Moderators could start this way. A POLL.
Yes a POLL of our members by age. After all we have to be careful how much KNOWLEDGE we release to our guests and members...right...HMMMM
I would start this way:
10-14 -interest in airplanes..grade
14-17 -interest in airplanes..perhaps
a little interest with History..
High School
17-22 -interest in aircraft...History..
perhaps looking for aviation
22-45 -interest in aircraft...History
probably in the work force
45-60 -interest in aircraft...History
Buff...Looking forward to re-
tirement and enjoys passing
on his Knowledge to others
60-and Up -interest in aircraft..History
Buff and needs something to
do while dunking his donuts
You and I know what I just typed is all BONK
Why are we worried about passing KNOWLEDGE on about Aviation, it started long before the Wright Flyer and will go long after we are all gone. The history of aircraft in conflicts, rescues, humanitarian missions. commercial use and the pure enjoyment of the avid flyer is all part of World History and it can not be changed friends no matter how hard we try.
It is up to us the posters to be politically and moraly correct and to try and keep those issues of contriversy out of the discussion forum.
Well that's my two cents from an old rudder stomper.
PS. That dunkan donut thing looks pretty good LOL
Happy Landings....Cheers...Doug
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Reply #11 -
Dec 19
, 2003 at 5:48pm
Professor Brensec
Can't you give me a couple
more inches, Adam?
Posts: 2955
Thanks Doug, for your thoughts.
Obviously, my having posted this suggestion is evidence enough that I feel such a forum is needed (or at least would be useful), so anything I say is going to be (and will be taken as) biased.
However, when you consider the reason we are all here. I mean the core reason, the one thing that led us all to SimV in the first place. I think you'll find that more than half were looking for downloads or Information about one of the Sims. The chances are that that Sim was one of the CFS Sims (WWII based). Hence, a common interest in, at least the 'aviation' aspect of WWII. After all, the majority of the more popular Combat Flight Sims are based on WWII.
There never seems to be a shortage of input whenever there is a disussion about one aspect or another of WWII. I know I learn something every time we have one. It is/was a very interesting period (albiet unfortunate in the destruction and death dept). I, personally would go so far as to say, that it was probably the last of the 'popular' conflicts. (When I say 'popular' I mean there was no 'moral dilemma' or any question as to the necessity for the Allies having to fight and prevail - the freedom of the entire world was at stake).
Of course, as has been said, there is little chance of a forum limited to WWII becoming a place for 'heated debate' or discussion that may lead to the problems associated with the 'less popular' conflicts (and the parties involved in them).
cried because I had no shoes - until I saw a man who had no feet.&&&&Dell Dimension 8100 - Intel P4 1.7 Gb - 512 RD Ram - nVidia GeForce 128 mb FX5200.
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Reply #12 -
Dec 19
, 2003 at 6:25pm
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
Obviously, my having posted this suggestion is evidence enough that I feel such a forum is needed (or at least would be useful), so anything I say is going to be (and will be taken as) biased.
You could be right Brensec. I've had my say & I think you know how I feel. I would personally prefer less forums, not more.
The chances are that that Sim was one of the CFS Sims (WWII based). Hence, a common interest in, at least the 'aviation' aspect of WWII. After all, the majority of the more popular Combat Flight Sims are based on WWII.
I can't agree there - much as I might wish otherwise. SimV has always been primarily an FS site. Check out the number of posts in the relevant forums.
FS 2004 - A Century of Flight (released a few months ago) 13888
CFS3 (released 1 year earlier than FS2004) 6923
FS 2002 (2 years earlier than FS2004) 43149
CFS2 (released 3 years before FS2004) 6418
This doesn't mean anything. Many FS users are interested in aviation history but not necessarily warbirds or war.
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Reply #13 -
Dec 19
, 2003 at 6:49pm
Professor Brensec
Can't you give me a couple
more inches, Adam?
Posts: 2955
Yes, Hagar. Point proven. But I still want one!
cried because I had no shoes - until I saw a man who had no feet.&&&&Dell Dimension 8100 - Intel P4 1.7 Gb - 512 RD Ram - nVidia GeForce 128 mb FX5200.
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Reply #14 -
Dec 19
, 2003 at 6:50pm
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica
Posts: 33159
60-and Up -interest in aircraft..History
Buff and needs something to
do while dunking his donuts
That about sums me up nicely. You might like to add - Opinionated old gasbag. Stubborn as a mule. Likes arguing about any subject under the sun. 8)
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