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how to use airbases.dat file ..... (Read 114 times)
Dec 6th, 2003 at 4:47pm

grb99   Offline
2nd Lieutenant
FS2K2 Is Great

Gender: male
Posts: 1
Hi all,
Yes I had prior to this thread, did a search in this forum for "airbases.dat". None of those found (4 threads) provided any
explaination of how to use the this file. The contents of it are
pretty much self explaintory, BUT.........modifying the take off
starting position for instance, DOES NOTHING when one starts a
mission from the Mission Builder. Sooooooo.......

For example:
takeoff_start_pos=-600,0 is original entry. So lets say I
change it to:
takeoff_start_pos=0,0 When starting the mission from Mission Builder, I will see no change in where the airplane tries to start from. What gives here?

Can anyone provide a definitive short description as how to use those
six positional parameters in the file?

I have tried to make GROSS offsets of where a plane should start for
takeoff for instance with no effect. The plane(s) always want to take off from where the GPS airport center position is.

There has to be an anwser. Because obvious to us, we find many of
the missions where a given airport center is defined to be in the center of a runway (X,Y)...................DO START planes at the far end of one end of that runway.
When I look into the airbases.dat file for those particular runways,
I find they look no different for ones that have heading and runway
lengths of different lengths etc..

Thanks for any help on this question.



George B
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