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Flight Deck III (Read 5209 times)
Reply #15 - Dec 7th, 2003 at 11:47am

A/SGT.Mav316   Offline
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Shocked OH HAPPY DAYS!!!!!!  Grin

Now you are going to laugh at this! How many of us do some serious deep cleaning around the house on the weekends and come accross missing items!

Well today I was cleaning out a drawer full of junk paper and low behold I found the registration card for Flight Deck 3 and I told myself let me check the drawer and all its contents for the missing sales receipt.

Shocked I FOUND IT  Shocked !!!!!!!!!

Grin Oh I am going to Abacus right now and claim my free upgrade !  Wink

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Reply #16 - Dec 7th, 2003 at 12:48pm

SabreHawk   Offline
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Yaaaayyyyyy!!! Grin Happy days indeed Sam, great find!
Yeah I was at the Abacus site this morning lookin around, there are some things in the 2004 ver. added that werent in the 2k2 ver., like the S-3 Viking for one.

Well great Sam, im so glad, heh, heh, and I'll be even more glad when I manage a succesful landing on that thing, Im close but I can see It's gonna take alot of practice! Wink
But it sure is fun!

Ok see ya Sam, and have a great day!!! 8)

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Reply #17 - Dec 7th, 2003 at 3:46pm

A/SGT.Mav316   Offline
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There is suppose to be some kind of guide to assist you with landing!

Its a bar with interchanging levels. As you approach the carrier it bends and the object for you is to keep the bar straight. As you adjust you line up with the carrier perfectly. It's one of the new features for FS2004.

I use to cheat in FS2002 on landings. Some were good and somewhere awful. But I made it on deck none the less for wear and tear sometimes.

Here's a hint. Before you take off note the altitude of the flight deck. When you take off fly straight out then do a turn around. Watch your GPS as to not lose sight of the carrier. As you turn about come to the rear of the carrier and line up with it from the distance. Visually watch your altitude and speed. If you slow down too much you can't adjust your altitude. As you close in to the carrier line up with the deck and slow your throttle. Then belly Flop (cut all throttle) when your over the deck!

Remember speed and altitude are key to landing! Fly to fast you crash into the deck. Fly too slow you fall out of the sky too fast. Find the sweet spot! Good luck

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Reply #18 - Dec 8th, 2003 at 3:02am

SabreHawk   Offline
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CheesyOh happy days I made it!!( after 8-10 attempts Roll Eyes )
Whew! Yeah I died a few times, but my biggest trouble is it seems is just keeping the slope, and the darn carrier in sight, I keep losing sight of it and wind up having to raise my seat(shift+enter) to keep it in sight so I can see the FLOS.
But damn, what a good feeling once you get it down and trapped!! Heh, heh, yeah ya gotta get up and strut around awhile Grin 8)


Alright guys get this elevator goin, I gotta go pee!!!

Ahh, now to go hit the shower!
Hee, heee! As you can see, im havin fun with this. Tongue
« Last Edit: Dec 8th, 2003 at 9:02am by SabreHawk »  

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Reply #19 - Dec 8th, 2003 at 9:11am

Nuno   Offline

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Amazing shots  Shocked Shocked
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Reply #20 - Dec 8th, 2003 at 9:25am

SabreHawk   Offline
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Garsh, thanks Nuno Cheesy, I just try to get the best angle/zoom and such, nothin special.
Yep im lovin this thing, well worth the 29.95 I gave for it.
Here's another at night, on the downwind leg, it's kinda dark but I like it Wink
(Hmmm, dont know what happened with that night shot, it disappeared for some reason, so I replaced it with this one.)
Hehee, I was just playin around to see if this thing would launch. Tongue

« Last Edit: Dec 10th, 2003 at 8:18pm by SabreHawk »  

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Reply #21 - Dec 8th, 2003 at 9:05pm

A/SGT.Mav316   Offline
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Congratulations on your landing one guestion though. You said you had to pee and just as you were parking you said you had to take a shower. Did you do something in that plane we don't need to know about Undecided? I see you cracked the canopy to let in some fresh air  Grin

Anyhow i noticed your not running the water effects program. You should give it a whirl, it'll make your carrier experience feel more real. you might even get a little sea sick coming in and seeing that water looking so real!  Wink

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Reply #22 - Dec 8th, 2003 at 9:21pm

planespotter   Offline
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those are some nice shots, still waiting for my upgrade to be sent to me.  Roll Eyes

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Reply #23 - Dec 8th, 2003 at 10:13pm

SabreHawk   Offline
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Seattle, Wa. USA

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Hmmm, water effects program? I didnt know there was one,..............uhh at least as far as FS is concerned, I got the sliders all the way in the settings.
Or is that something that Flight Deck III/Arrcab does, didnt see anything in the instructions or readme on that. Or no wait,........could it be in the fsuipc readme? Hmmm I'll have to check it out.

Uhh well, errr Uhhh yep I couldnt hold it Sam,  Grin Grin Grin

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Reply #24 - Dec 9th, 2003 at 8:22pm

A/SGT.Mav316   Offline
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The water effects are right here on SimV. Go into the Scenery Section of Downloads and look for the file named FS9WAT. They are truly breath taking take a look at how much better you sim experience can become ...

Still waiting for upgrade disk too. I sent them the copy of the reciept yesterday and today again! They trying so hard to tax $15 bucks off me instead of $4  Roll Eyes

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Reply #25 - Dec 9th, 2003 at 8:54pm

SabreHawk   Offline
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Oh those!, yeah I got them somewhere in my downloads folder, I downloaded them awhile back, just havent got around to putting them in.
Good ol Bill Lyons, I just love his work!! Tongue

Jeez, I gotta clean up that download folder, hehee I'd have trouble finding them now Roll Eyes good grief!
But I think I will, they sure look good.

Thanks Mav, later!! Wink

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Reply #26 - Dec 9th, 2003 at 11:10pm

Prowler1111   Offline
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I just read your posts and this is  what fsiming is all about....just plain fun,  some people are really angry at this particulary add-on ( i don´t have it, , so i´ll only refer to what i´ve read) but the i see these posts and well people are having fun.
Keep having fun guys, maybe i´ll get flight deck 3 later, but now is work time

best regards

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Reply #27 - Dec 10th, 2003 at 12:27am

A/SGT.Mav316   Offline
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hi Prowler,

Alot of people make negative comments about Abacus! Even I would agree with them that their addons do suck! Their planes look terrible, there is better duplicates of the planes they make here for free.

But hands down Abacus has one of the best addon creater programs and this download Flight Deck III is awesome! It simulates a catapult launch off a carrier deck realistically. You get sling shot off the deck and you literally sail through the air for a couple of seconds and then because you are at full thrust you gain altitude as in real life.

The Carrier is extremely detailed and functions well, The arrestor cable sometimes is difficult but also realistic. the Landings raise the hairs on the back of your neck as in real life. Programs like this bring more life into your Flight Sim experience. We still have a whole year of FREE DOWNLOADS, you never know what people will create next!


Its only in your mind, strong mind, strong soul and nobody can take that from you!
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Reply #28 - Dec 10th, 2003 at 3:26pm

SabreHawk   Offline
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Seattle, Wa. USA

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Hi ya Prowler, thanks for stoppin in! Cheesy Yeah you got that right, is the name of the game, and I for one, to have fun!
Glad to hear your getting this great program, heck ya know I'd have loved it even if it didnt come with any aircraft at all, the Carrier and Arrcab alone is worth it.
And heck you can fly any plane ya want off it, not just the ones that come with it, the catapult will launch any plane with a tricycle gear and in fact there are lots of freeware & payware military planes with carrier landing capability/ tailhooks.

Hmmm, I wonder, I bet you could even launch a Cessna from it. Shocked
Hmmm, Roll Eyes I'll have to give it a whirl and find out. 8)

Have fun Prowler, come back soon!! Wink

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Reply #29 - Dec 10th, 2003 at 4:10pm

Prowler1111   Offline
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Thanks sabrehawk...and regarding you comment about military planes how about my set of A4 skyhawks( wich are having quite a delay) that hopefully will be released before xmass
here is the A-4B VA-93 USS Bennington 1963 west-pac cruise
[img] SKYHAWK2.jpg[/img]
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