Located in the Winnemucca Dry lake, east of the famous Pyramid Lake, near the small town of Nixon, Nevada...
THERE you'll soon find the first official scenery production by FSAR for FS2002/FS2004. Fully featured with custom pylon macros for four race courses, aircraft pits, 32-bit custom textures, and plenty of eye candy. This scenery will be available for free download when FSAR re-opens.
We are offering you, for the first time, an offer to sponsor FSAR, and we'll advertise your flight sim group on one of only twelve 30x10ft signs located at various places within the scenery. For a sponsorship of $20 or more, you can have your group advertised at the new "Trinity Air Ranch".
http://www.fsairracing.comTo send sponsorship donation, please e-mail GriffonJET18@aol.com and we'll give you further details.
ONLY 7 signs left available