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Favorite Aircraft? (Read 953 times)
Nov 22nd, 2003 at 2:14pm

ACE   Offline
Holy quano, Robin! Its
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Boring ol' Georgia...

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Posts: 51
Ok, Folks. I'm curious, today.

What are your favorite stock and addon aircraft from all your flight sims? ???

Long lists are certainly welcome, and I'd like to know what you all like so I can get some more ideas about what to look for, what craft to try, and what aircraft to use for any missions an' other stuff I may try to work with an' upload. Matter of fact, the first long list'll be my own.  8)

My favorite CFS1 stock craft has got to be P-51, with the FW-190 coming in at a cloas second. They're quick, agile, and they can hit hard, plus they just look good.
For the CFS1 addon craft, I've gotta say the Sud-Est 100 available on this site--its just fun to fly and looks unique. Also, the Fw-189 bomber/recon plane. Unique, again, and not bad handling. Smiley

For CFS2 stock, I've gotta say the F4U1-A Corsair, with the N1K2-J 'George' coming close behind. Again--fast, hard-hitting, and agile--plus they just look cool. I always did love to watch 'Black Sheep Squadron' on the History Channel--to see Boyington's group in their gull-winged gooney birds flying about, blasting Zeros an' the like... Always did catch my eye, those mighty wings, there...
For the addon stuff, I just can't decide. The GC He-11H6 is awesome--framerate friednly despite the awesome detail, plus it flies goods and has some killer loads. Then again, the He-177A5 available here in the CFS2 sections is nice, too. Both are always tough nuts to crak in Quick Combat. Heh. And they're entertaining to watch fall apart--or at least the He111 is. But I've also got a crush on the P-75B Eagle in the CFS1 section, which works great for me on CFS2, and the F4U1-C Corsair with the four 20mm cannons in place of the .50's, which is in the CFS2 section. Gotta love the sounds of heavy firepower.
Also, however, the B-25H and A-20 Havoc from the 1% site are quite nice. Gotta love that 75mm cannon, and the mass of .50's on both. Sheesh, I just keep ramblin' on, don't I? Well, last one--the FDG P-61A/B pack--"Jap Batty" and "Lady In The Dark." I always liked the way the P-61 looked, ever since I got a model of the night-fighter variant, sme time ago... Cheesy

I don't have any good helicopters, since I can't find any for CFS2, nor do I have any non-military flight sims. I just can't have fun ferrying people around nations... Its just not my gig.  Undecided

To end it all, my CFS3 stock favs are the Me-262s--both of'em--and the Horten Ho-229, plus any and all of the other stock craft. I just have so much fun, blasting convoys and leveling airfields! I can't get enough of it! As of yet, I haven't gotten any addon stuff--but I darned well will! I'd love to have a Ju-87 Stuka with the wing-mounted cannon pods...  Tongue

If you couldn't tell already, I'm a major gun-nut. The bigger or better the guns on the planes, and the better the planes handle with those guns, the more I like'em.  Grin

Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, Paper beats Rock - but High Explosives beats All.
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Reply #1 - Nov 22nd, 2003 at 5:16pm

HawkerTempest5   Offline
Hawker Tempest MK V
United Kingdom

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OK, my favourite stock CFS2 type is the F4U. Always liked the Corsair and I have several repaints of the stock version installed.
Add ons, well the list is just too long, but here are a few.
All of Paul Rebuffat's superb Spitfires. These are the best on the web without doubt.
Krzysztof Malinowski has produced a great selection of US types including a Superb collection of P-47's and P-40's pluss some great German types such as the JU88. I have most of these also.
My current favourites are the awesome new Sea Furies that have just come along from David Hanvey and Paul Barry. A bit frame rate hungry, but just superb.

Flying Legends
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Reply #2 - Nov 22nd, 2003 at 6:40pm

ACE   Offline
Holy quano, Robin! Its
another Members-Only
Boring ol' Georgia...

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Posts: 51
Ah! Where might I locate these Spitefires, if you don't mind my asking, here? I could use a few good ones, myself... Have searched and searched, but I can't find many decent aircraft that operated in the European Theatre of Operations... Spitfires, Messerschmitts, F-W's, or anything... Well, except that He-111 and a few other things...

Gotta say there are some great P-40s out and about--have a few, and have just downloaded a few others... May give the names for each, later on, but regardless--they'res a good selection of them, and the majority are nice, despite a few downfalls among some of the good models, such as drop tanks and such that aren't functional and are just visual models, or similar parts...

Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, Paper beats Rock - but High Explosives beats All.
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Reply #3 - Nov 23rd, 2003 at 6:42am

Tequila Sunrise   Offline
Nunquam non paratus
Glasgow Scotland

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Stock would be eithre the F4U or the A6M2 and add-on would be the F9F-2 8)

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Thou shalt maintain thine airspeed lest the ground shalt rise up and smite thee
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Reply #4 - Nov 23rd, 2003 at 6:54am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Ah! Where might I locate these Spitefires, if you don't mind my asking, here? I could use a few good ones, myself... Have searched and searched, but I can't find many decent aircraft that operated in the European Theatre of Operations... Spitfires, Messerschmitts, F-W's, or anything... Well, except that He-111 and a few other things...

Paul Rebuffat's Spitfires here.

Mauro Giacomazzi's Bf 109s here.

I might be biased but when you get fed up with the props you might also like to try the Fox Four Korean War campaigns from the link in my signature.


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Reply #5 - Nov 23rd, 2003 at 7:44am

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Maruo's Bf109E. Nothing beats it for pure detail.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #6 - Nov 24th, 2003 at 11:58am

Jai   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
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Hello, my favourite stock CFS2 plane is th Hellcat, when i think in carriers and the pacific, the plane that comes to my imagination is th hellcat. There is a lot of awesome addons for CFS2, for example Krzysztof Malinowski planes, Ivan Hsu I-16, and others, but my favourite is Akemi Mizoguchi fw190-5, in this page , with his repaints  Grin.

Smiley Jai&&
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Reply #7 - Nov 26th, 2003 at 7:03pm

1danny   Offline
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Grin I just love the jug,in cfs 1 and 3
(the new high res one is awesome,the cockpit is great)

cfs2 stock i  like the wild cat,the americans can take soo much punishment.I admit i am a heavy handed pilot,
thats why i like the fatones.
but down load wise id do very well with the p40's,
i seem to be able to turn those pus on a dime.

i love flying the ju88s against ships
looking for good p47s in cfs
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Reply #8 - Nov 26th, 2003 at 7:29pm

Stratobat   Offline
To fly... Or not to fly?

Posts: 1165
CFS 2 Stock Aircraft:

F4F-4 Wildcat.
B-25D Mitchell.

Add-on Aircraft:

A Wai's P-51D Mustang.
Au-Mav's T-6 Texan with 1% Airfile.
Paul Rebuffat's Spitfire VII Spirit of Kent.



...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #9 - Nov 27th, 2003 at 2:59am

Scott_McCloud   Offline
"First star on the Right,
and straight on til AM"
somewhere in Texas

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Posts: 218

   Chuck selbys 306th _b17f, Outstanding sounds
   and cannons are to die for.  And the 1% corsairs.
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Reply #10 - Nov 28th, 2003 at 4:59am

kevib1   Offline
Hampshire, UK

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Posts: 74
Hi all,

I'm a bit of a 1% jockey myself due to the extra challenges of flying and fighting whilst maintaining correct temperatures and keeping the speed within the much narrower band of optimum performance. There only downfall is the lack of visible damage on most of the models.
The other thing I love about them is that they are designed for online play and it is a very friendly bunch that do so.

My current favourites from Avhistory are;

P38 - because it takes a lot of mastering to get it working right but when you have you can get this bomber sized beast to out turn a spit and out climb anything! The effort is high and the result is huge!

M2 zero - A low level tumbling dogfight in these is just the biggest kick.

Possibly the best looking, sounding and handling planes I have are P.H.F.Burnage's Mossies.

Don't shoot me!!
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Reply #11 - Nov 29th, 2003 at 4:15am

ACE   Offline
Holy quano, Robin! Its
another Members-Only
Boring ol' Georgia...

Gender: male
Posts: 51
Awesome, all of it. All those 'squitos are looking good, and there're tons of options for the lot of'em... Need to bag a few more. Heheh. And yes--a switch from props to jets'd be nice--but I just can't find a good F-86, anywhere... Tried the majaority of the ones shown on this site, and some from others, but they either just don't work quite right, or the paint job doesn't suit me... I'm far too picky, I suppose. Good polanes at the outhouse, there. Will have to stop in there again, later, to check what they have, now...

Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, Paper beats Rock - but High Explosives beats All.
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Reply #12 - Nov 29th, 2003 at 10:11pm

Archer   Offline

Posts: 17
I'm not much for the stock planes, in fact I've only had a handful of flights in them.  As far as add-ons, my favourites are all the AvHistory F4Us.  The F4U-1D is on top, followed by the F4U-4 and -4B when I want to wreck things on the ground with more varied weapons than the -1D.  The -1 and -2 don't get much use, and the Mudpond F4U-1A is so similar to the -1D that it normally doesn't fly, but none the less, they're Corsairs, so I like them Grin  Gramps' F4U-1A is really nice too, but I'm not too keen on the VC so I rarely take it out of the hangar.

On that note, if anyone knows of any good Corsairs (they need a good VC, since thats where I always fly from), please let me know.

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Reply #13 - Dec 1st, 2003 at 2:53pm

TAFKAM   Offline
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Posts: 41
hmmm....not a difficult choice....
i'm a 1% Phreak and don't have much up with the stock aircraft of CFS1, 2 and 3....

1: The CFS2 P-47D-RE22 by K. Malinowski/J. McDaniel
Reworked by myself to a 1% version (DP-file)

2: CFS2 Hawker Hurricane Mk I by Mauro Giacomazzi
Reworked by myself to a 1% version (DP-file) better than the original Happy

3: CFS2 Hawker Tempest by Pierre Closterman (i think)
with a transferred 1% DP from his Hawker Tyhoon...

4: I've got a nice DH Mosquito, 1%, but it's a bomber version,...need a fighter version... :S

5: 2 words: AVRO LANCASTER,.... i need a good CFS2 Lanc MkIII British.....and if i only could drop myself in a gunturret in CFS2,...the game would be perfect..

my last problem: all those 1% aircraft are so framrate unfriendly on my 866MHz's no fun flying with more than 3 aircraft inplay......and i can't play online  Cry


TAFKAM a.k.a. JUGGERNAUT&&______________________________&&&&The Thunderbolt is my Fav.&&Fast, Sturdy and 8 Point Fifties,&&What does a pilot want more?&&______________________________&&
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Reply #14 - Dec 4th, 2003 at 9:30pm

floatpilot22   Offline
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Posts: 71
The F4U Corsair.You can find all sorts of addons to increase the realism. Sound packages, panels, repaints , new prop textures, etc. Try a web search for "Neostuey's CFS2 skins" and you'll see what I mean. -  Mike
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