This isn't related to time, but to price, if you are going to
buy the latest 64bit CPU, read no further, but if you are
budget conscious, this is for you.
The benchmark below was done yesterday on my
system, AMD XP2600+ CPU, Soltek SL-75FRN2
Mainboard, 1024mb PC2700 RAM
This is a multimedia instruction intensive cpu benchmark.
I went into Bios and bumped my cpu multiplier from 12.5
to 13. So the computer now reads it as a XP2700+ cpu.
I notched up the front side bus speed from 166 to 170,
a very modest overclock.
I set the CL2.5 RAM CAS latency to CAS 2.0 and this has
run fine like this since April 2003.
The RED and BLUE bars are my CPU results.
Just below that is what a standard XP2600+ perfoms at.
(also an XP2800+ rating and speed is same as XP2600)
The next entry is the XP3200+ CPU rating.
(compare this with my slightly overclocked XP2600+ !!! )
And now an AMD Athlon 1.2 gig CPU.
Below that is the P4 3gig cpu without hyperthreading.
(the P4c runs on an 800mhz FSB with hyperthreading
etc. and is somewhat faster)
A quick glance at performance / price ratios makes
certain purchase decisions look a bit silly.