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Wildcat Down (Read 729 times)
Oct 18th, 2003 at 11:28pm

Scorpiоn   Offline
Take it easy!
The Alamo

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Posts: 4496
It's somewhat understandable that when a Cessna crashes and the pilot walks out with a scratched arm, no one cares, but when a warbird goes down, it's a tradgedy.

Several planes were up in the air for a photo shoot shortly after the air show ended Saturday. When trying to land, the pilot of one of those planes lost control and crashed near Clear Lake Boulevard and Old Galveston Road. The crash happened a couple of hours after the air show ended Saturday and the spectators had all cleared out.

At this point, we don’t have the name of the pilot who was killed, but we're told he was a 55-year-old man from out of state.

In the 18 year history of the Wings over Houston air show, there has been only one other fatality. That crash, which was back in the mid-1990s, also happened when a plane was trying to land.

The aircraft that crashed Saturday is a Grumman F4F Wildcat. Its maximum speed is 318 miles per hour. Its cruising speed is 155 miles an hour, and its range on a single tank of gas is 770 miles.

(Copyright © 2003, KTRK-TV)

Quoted from ABC 13, a local (Houston, Texas) TV station.  The saddest thing is though, at least for me, is I just saw that Wildcat doing some formation turns with a F-18 to greet all the people coming to the airshow.  Although there were two Wildcats, so I could be thinking about the wrong one.  Regaurdless, it's extremely sad.

The Devil's Advocate.&&...
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Reply #1 - Oct 18th, 2003 at 11:37pm

Smoke2much   Offline
The Unrepentant Heretic
Sittingbourne, Kent,

Posts: 3879
That is a sad loss to the aviation world as a whole and to the mans family specifically.

Rest in Peace


Who switched the lights off?  I can't see a thing.......  Hold on, my eyes were closed.  Oops, my bad...............&&...
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Reply #2 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 12:25am

Blade   Offline
Annapolis, MD

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Posts: 2477
Holy crap! I was there all day today, had a wonderful time, so sad to hear this.  Cry

...&&&&Dell 4550&&P4 2.53Ghz &&512MB DDR SDRAM&&GeForceFX 5900 129MB&&60GB HD @ 7200RPM &&PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN
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Reply #3 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 2:11am

BFMF   Offline
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Reply #4 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 5:39am

HawkerTempest5   Offline
Hawker Tempest MK V
United Kingdom

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This has been one of the worst years I can remember for vintage aviation. It always saddens me when a plane is lost, but it's so much worse when it costs the life of the pilot also.
This year we celebrate a hundred years of powered flight and it is such a shame that it will be remembered for so many accidents.

Flying Legends
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Reply #5 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 7:48am
cfsfido   Ex Member

It always saddens me when a plane is lost, but it's so much worse when it costs the life of the pilot also.

  Well said Roger 

     My deepest codolences to both family and friends
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Reply #6 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 8:08am

Fozzer   Offline
An elderly FS 2004 addict!
Hereford. England. EGBS.

Posts: 24861
...It just goes to show just how fragile , like birds of the air, that aeroplanes are, and that their pilots and passengers rarely survive impacts with the ground, unlike my feeble attempts in Flight Sims, with "invincibility" turned up to the max... Cry...!
Unfortunatly, you dont get the luxury of air bags, side impact bars, effective sealt belts, etc, in aeroplanes.... Roll Eyes...!
I am constantly reminded, with my high-speed motorcycle, there is no such thing as "Invincibility".
Like an aircraft pilot, always a good thing to remember... Roll Eyes...!

Cheers all...!

Dell Dimension 5000 BTX Tower. Win7 Home Edition, 32 Bit. Intel Pentium 4, dual 2.8 GHz. 2.5GB RAM, nVidia GF 9500GT 1GB. SATA 500GB + 80GB. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Micronet ADSL Modem only. Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. FS 2004 + FSX. Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower...Motor Bikes. Gas Cooker... and lots of musical instruments!.... ...!
Yamaha MO6,MM6,DX7,DX11,DX21,DX100,MK100,EMT10,PSR400,PSS780,Roland GW-8L v2,TR505,Casio MT-205,Korg CX3v2 dual manual,+ Leslie 760,M-Audio Prokeys88,KeyRig,Cubase,Keyfax4,Guitars,Orchestral,Baroque,Renaissance,Medieval Instruments.
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Reply #7 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 9:56am

Polynomial   Offline
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possible way to die.
Brisbane, Australia

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bummer news! so sad to hear. . . . . .
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Reply #8 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 3:27pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

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Posts: 5989
It's been a tough airshow year anyway.

If I recall, there was a racing crash in Reno, then the Thunderbirds crash in Idaho, and now this...

We're all being reminded how dangerous this passion really is...


Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #9 - Oct 19th, 2003 at 8:59pm

chomp_rock   Offline
I must confess, I was
born at a very early

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It really has been quite a year fo flying! Like Hyperion said quite a few crashes. As I recal 1 thunderbird, a reno racer, a Grumman Goose and now an F4F! so sad   Sad . Even I have been in a close call! I nearly got in a collision with a cherokee about a week ago (I was in a C182).

AMD Athlon 64 3700+&&GeForce FX5200 256Mb&&1GB DDR400 DC&&Seagate 500Gb SATA-300 HDD&&Windows XP Professional X64 Edition
&&&&That's right, I'm now using an AMD! I decided to give them another try and they kicked the pants off of my P4 3.4!
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Reply #10 - Oct 20th, 2003 at 4:18pm

Scorpiоn   Offline
Take it easy!
The Alamo

Gender: male
Posts: 4496
Let us not forget the He. 111 that crashed, the last operational plane of it's type. Cry Also my favorite bomber. Lips Sealed

The Devil's Advocate.&&...
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Reply #11 - Oct 20th, 2003 at 4:25pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Don't forget the Fairy Firefly. And didn't that Blenheim crash this year?

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #12 - Oct 20th, 2003 at 5:34pm
cub3pp   Ex Member

holy crap, i saw that guy and the whole act back in the wichita aviation festival. cool act, sad to see pilot and plane gone.
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Reply #13 - Oct 21st, 2003 at 9:09am

Jared   Offline
I'd rather be flying...
Uniontown, Ohio

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Sad Sad Sad
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Reply #14 - Oct 21st, 2003 at 1:29pm

HawkerTempest5   Offline
Hawker Tempest MK V
United Kingdom

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Posts: 3149
Don't forget the Fairy Firefly. And didn't that Blenheim crash this year?

Yes Woody pal, we lost the Blenheim back in July. Happily both crew walked away from the crash and the aircraft is going to be rebuilt and may be back in as little as two years.
Several classic jets have gone down this year also including two Hawker Hunters.

Flying Legends
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