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CFS 2 technical questions (Read 795 times)
Oct 2nd, 2003 at 10:21am

big6   Offline
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Hi all, I have installed many additional aircraft, missions, and campaigns for CFS 2, many thanks to all the contributors! It has kept the game fresh and challenging. Now my problem...I recently installed the Fox Four Campaign, also installed the missions separately, and installed the Axis and Allied aircraft expansion packs. I also disabled the exploding jet feature. I have now lost the ability to direct my wingmen, if you press "A" my pilot doesn't say attack and my wingmen don't attack. Same with Join up, Split up, etc. Also, when indicator is switched on, the enemy planes are no longer identified. Any ideas on how to fix? I hate to lose all my add ons by starting over with a reinstall. Thanks, Dean
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Reply #1 - Oct 2nd, 2003 at 11:03am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Hi Big6. I have no idea why this should have happened. All suggestions for the Fox Four campaigns have been carefully tested & should not cause a problem with wingmen. The latest Bunker Hill campaign was written to take full advantage of this feature. If it worked previously it's possible you've hit a couple of keys by mistake which have either changed options or switched them off. I often do this myself.

when indicator is switched on, the enemy planes are no longer identified

If this is the Tactical Display (Shift + T or F9 depending on keyboard layout), make sure you haven't selected another option like ground targets (T or M key). The 2 default keyboard layout options complicate things even further. Check out the correct key assignments are enabled from CFS2 "Settings/Controller assignments".

If you have enough spare HD space we strongly suggest a duplicate install of CFS2 specially for complex addon campaigns. From the amount of positive feedback from people who've done it this idea works well. Instructions here.


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Reply #2 - Oct 2nd, 2003 at 12:57pm

big6   Offline
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Thanks Hagar,
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Reply #3 - Oct 2nd, 2003 at 1:19pm

big6   Offline
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Thanks Hagar, I had checked to see if I had mistakenly turned something off, I will check again when I am able to fly again - I will be out of town  the next few days. Kudos on the Fox Four campaign, I still haven't got the hang of the F-86, I have only flown it twice, I may have to turn down the realism settings until I get used to it. Very different flight characterisitics than the WWII birds. My glitch may not have anything to do the Fox Four campaign at all, as I also added the Axis and Allied expansion packs of WWll aircraft and an additional ME262, or I  may have done something else when I corrected the exploding jets problem. Thanks for the quick response, and, again, thanks for the great add on, it is like a whole different game, I am sure many hours went into it's development. As an aside, I have CFS3 and I do NOT like it at all. I may try IL2 after I have have had some fun with Fox Four, any thoughts on it? Comparable to my all time favorite game CFS II? Thanks again, Dean
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Reply #4 - Oct 2nd, 2003 at 2:40pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Hi Dean. Thanks for the kind words. Yes, it did take a very long time to develop CFS2 Korea & sort out all the bugs. It's been my ambition since CFS2 was first released. You won't get the full effects until you fix that problem. I've never come across it before. I don't think installing addons would cause it. I've installed all sorts of stuff including the Axis/Allied expansion packs without a hitch. I still think a duplicate install of CFS2 is the best way over it. It would at least confirm if the problem is with the sim, an addon or even your keyboard. I always test a new campaign on a fresh duplicate install of CFS2 before posting it.

Set the realism to easy by all means. Then you wouldn't have to worry about those "exploding jets". Those jets are difficult enough to fly in combat without using Full realism.

I've never tried IL2 although I've heard good reports on it. CFS3 won't run properly on my old rig but I saw enough to realise it's not for me. I much prefer CFS2. I think we've proved there's a lot of life in it yet. CFS1 is also still going strong & runs like a rocket on the latest systems. Wink

Hope you get things sorted out. If not, please mail me direct & we'll do our best to figure it out.

Doug aka Hagar

PS. Silly me. I've just figured out the cause of your problem. The wingmen won't attack a target unless you padlock it. This might be connected with your Tactical Display problem. Fix that & it should be OK.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #5 - Oct 20th, 2003 at 6:40am

1danny   Offline
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Cheesythe koren camapings are wonderfull i have a brand new game thank you fox vatos 8)
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Reply #6 - Oct 22nd, 2003 at 9:06am

kevib1   Offline
Hampshire, UK

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Posts: 74
Hi guys,

I can't offer a fix for this one other than to say that I have the same problem.

I do nearly all my flying online so don't have the need for the wingman commands to often so I'm not sure when this problem started.

However, last night I was flying Quick Combat and was unable to command my wingmen. They just sat back and left me to take on 8 bogies by myself!!!!!

I can confirm that it is definetly not your Korean campaign Hagar as that is in a different install all by its self.

I don't think it is keyboard shortcuts (A,S,R, etc) either as I tried selecting the commands from the wingman menu available after pressing alt.

No command is issued and ther is no response either verbally, on screen or via the wingmans actions.

I know this used to work and that it would only do so for US or JN planes. I also tried replacing the country file with one that included commands for the other nations. I was flying US and JN planes last night although not stock. As always I was flying 1% planes.

I know this feature, until recently did work.  My recent installs have been a few planes, airfields and the Pactex scenery textures.

I do have more than 100 planes in the aircraft folder. Might this be my/ our problem. (I've just thought of that now whilst at work so I shall try removing some planes this evening.)

An interesting observation! Last night whilst flying the 1%  zero an ace AI piloted pair of 1% Wildcats pulled a text book Thatch Weave on me. I didn't stand a chance. Apart from that I was getting 6- 7 of the little blighters before running out of ammo or getting shot down. A very impressive piece of coding by M$ (there I said it!).

Now, once I get wingman commands back how do I communicate to them that I want that level of flying from them!!!!

Don't shoot me!!
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Reply #7 - Dec 21st, 2003 at 10:38pm

big6   Offline
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Reinstalled CFS2 and my commands are working again, it saved my previous campaigns but lost my add on missions, a/c, etc. I have enough HD space (100g),  I will back up so this won't be such a chore next time. Thanks all, Dean
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Reply #8 - Dec 22nd, 2003 at 2:58am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Glad you fixed it Dean. As you have that much HD space the duplicate install I suggested might have been the better option.

Kevib. Sorry. I somehow missed your long question I was not deliberately ignoring it. Not that I would have been much help. I've not come across this problem before so have no idea what caused it or how to fix it.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #9 - Dec 22nd, 2003 at 11:43am

kevib1   Offline
Hampshire, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 74
No problem Hagar,

I think my fix here was that I had added a new county.cfg file that had wingman commands for UK and German nationality but not the default US and JN. I copied the commands from 1 to the other and all is no ok most of the time. Some planes still appear to be a problem but maybe they have the wrong nationalities assigned to them.
As I said I rarely fly QC or missons as I fly mostly online so this isn't a big issue for me.
The other thing I have found is that the option to enable wingman commands seems to get switched off occassionally. I'm not sure how I manage that as it isn't intentional!

I have flown both the FoxFour campaigns and found them and the planes excellent. Clearly a labour of love for all involved.


Don't shoot me!!
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Reply #10 - Jan 15th, 2004 at 7:31pm

big6   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Hi again, After my reinstall the problem was fixed. As I added aircraft, I would check every now and the to see if the wingman commands still worked. I added a PB5, an Airacobra, a Frank, a couple of Corsairs, etc., no problem. I added a P51 Mustang...and voila! No commands. Went to Aircraft and deleted it, commands are back. I am kind of surprised, I wouldn't have thought a new aircraft would contain something that would kill commands. I am sure that someone out there knows more about it than I do, but, if you are having this problem, you might try this. Thanks for the input, now I am going to do a back-up install and reinstall my add on missions and campaigns. Thanks again, Dean
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Reply #11 - Jan 15th, 2004 at 7:40pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi Dean. I wouldn't expect any aircraft to affect the default key commands. Of course, anything is possible so maybe you're right. How many aircraft did you have installed at the time? The problem could be caused by you being close to the CFS2 limit. This can vary according to the aircraft installed & could be anything from around 90 to over 100 installed aircraft - including the defaults. This bug can have some strange effects at times. Maybe this is one I don't know about. Roll Eyes


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