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› GMAX animations
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GMAX animations (Read 182 times)
Sep 29
, 2003 at 8:16am
Mike Thurman
Mmm, forbidden donut!!
Umm, underwater
Posts: 1061
Lately, I've been developing for FS2002 and FS2004 and was wondering for both how to:
1. Make a contstantly repeating animation for FS
2. Make animations that perform with a command
I REALY REALY need someone to help me with this...
Mike T.
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Reply #1 -
Sep 29
, 2003 at 9:15am
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
Give an example of each type of animation you're trying to do.
The two statements are a bit generic - for example
#1 - a constantly repeating animation:
propeller, ferris wheel?
#2 - animations that perform with a command - spoilers, flaps, doors....
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Reply #2 -
Oct 1
, 2003 at 10:24am
Mike Thurman
Mmm, forbidden donut!!
Umm, underwater
Posts: 1061
When I say repeating animation, I mean like A prop or like you've seen on the JN-D4, those piston knobs constantlay go up and down.
And the second thing a meant was like spoilers, flaps, ailerons, rudders, VC contorl sticks, etc.
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Reply #3 -
Oct 1
, 2003 at 1:12pm
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
There are two types of animations that FS supports- the default (prop rotation, basic control surface deflection, tire rotation) and key-frame animation.
With default rotation, the animation of the part depends on the part name, part axis location/orientation, and, in some cases, an entry in the aircraft.cfg file to determine the extents of the animation/deflection.
For example - a rudder part must be named "rudder" (if you have a twin rudder, one can be named "rudder" and the other "rudder.1") . You model the part and move the part axis to the correct hinge line.
Your aircraft.cfg file will have a line indicating the rudder deflection angle, say 11 degrees to the right and left of the vertical hinge.
That's all you need.
In a key frame animated part you control the animation completely. You still have to name the part correctly. This is how you can have such things as fowler flaps, landing gear extension and retraction, special animations to control surfaces.
For detailed descriptions of the correct part names (tags) for both the default and key-frame animations, and the entries to be made in the aircraft.cfg files, check out the proper Flight Simulator SDK documents:
You want to read and be very familiar with the MakeMDL and Aircraft Container SDKs.
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Reply #4 -
Oct 1
, 2003 at 1:36pm
Mike Thurman
Mmm, forbidden donut!!
Umm, underwater
Posts: 1061
I'm 100% familiar with MakeMDL. I've made some stuff like Rudders, elevators, etc. I understood your explenation but what i need
1. Names of parts
2. I need to know how to do a CONSTANT repeating animation like a prop motion or cylinders quickly moving up and down
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Reply #5 -
Oct 1
, 2003 at 2:45pm
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
I'm 100% familiar with MakeMDL. I've made some stuff like Rudders, elevators, etc. I understood your explenation but what i need
1. Names of parts
2. I need to know how to do a CONSTANT repeating animation like a prop motion or cylinders quickly moving up and down
The NAMES of the parts are given in the MakeMDL SDK, if you're looking for a control stick part, your tag should be lever_stick_l_r, or lever_stick_fore_aft, etc.
For a prop motion - the tags are propX or propX_still, propX_slow, propX_blurred; where "x" is the prop number from 0 to 3 for a four engined plane.
Animated rockers is something I can't help you with... I've heard of some people doing something with a tick18 key, but I haven't come across an explanation I can understand.
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Reply #6 -
Oct 2
, 2003 at 1:36pm
Cannot find REALITY.SYS.
Universe halted.
Dripping Springs, TX
Posts: 4515
Here's another animation question:
I want to make an aircraft capable of cloaking (using the opacity control in the material editor). I have tested it in Gmax. Set the opacity to 5-10%, which creates a nice "cloaked" effect in the game. What I want to do is make it able to go from cloak to solid on command.
I have tested it and found that the opacity will change gradually if an animation sequence is applied to it. So my question is, can I map this animation to a command in FS? I've read the SDKs, but I can't seem to find a function (besides maybe userdefined) that I can map for this animation.
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Reply #7 -
Oct 2
, 2003 at 2:20pm
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
Here's another animation question:
I want to make an aircraft capable of cloaking (using the opacity control in the material editor). I have tested it in Gmax. Set the opacity to 5-10%, which creates a nice "cloaked" effect in the game. What I want to do is make it able to go from cloak to solid on command.
I have tested it and found that the opacity will change gradually if an animation sequence is applied to it. So my question is, can I map this animation to a command in FS? I've read the SDKs, but I can't seem to find a function (besides maybe userdefined) that I can map for this animation.
It's funny, but that could have been approximated easily in FSDS1 and AA and animation sequences. Basically, you would have x number of parts, each textured with subsequently more transparent textures. The AA motion sequencing would be that each part would be animated only from time n1 to n2 (which varies for each part, ONLY, so that for any time OUT of that range, the part is invisible,
So, Part1 -full opacity - is visible for time 0-10; Part2 -90% opcaity is visible for time 11-20, etc. to part 10, 5% opacity, visible for time period 91-100...
WHile gmax can support the gradual opacity animation, I do not believe that FS can support it.
An interesting concept. WHile it is applicable to the Romulan cloaking device, it could be used on airplane fuselages if the builder wants to provide for a view into the inside of his model....
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