Is this error really just caused by a wrong named DP ?
I have build a mission similar to the first mission described by
"cody coyotes mission tutorial" (downloaded from
I used only the F4F-Wildcat and the A6M2-Zero (both airplanes are absolutly unmodified) and a japanese merchant ship. Nevertheless I get the errormessage.
I have installed cfs2 on a other harddrirve and made a similar mission (same components). There it works.
All downloaded missions and old missions as well as campaigns work. It's like that the mission builder
would stamp a mission-file as "not correctly formated".
Has somebody experence with this error ?
Happens this error in the english version too ?
Should I buy the english version ?
Can this error caused by missing entries in the airbase.dat file ?
I couldn't made all of the entries of the "Far East Scenery" because it exceeds more than 234 entries.
Furthermore I removed the entries of the old cfs1 runways.
Or may be it caused by one of the included scenery ?
I have follow scenerys included:
Papua Scenery 1
Far East 2
ne_indie 3
FS2000_props 4
Gebäude (Buildings) 5
Start und Landebahnen (runways) 6
Effekte (Effects) 7
Fahrzeuge(vehicles) 8
New Weapons 9
This includes some weapons from other airplanes
which I use for my own payloads.
But nevertheless the error occurs if I remove the entry and the modified airplanes.
Swordfish Weapons 10
Here are the weapons from the swordfish airplane.
I use them for own payloads. But when I remove this entry
and the made entries for the payload the error occurs furthermore.
Flugzeugwaffen (weapons) 11
Scenerieships (ships) 12
Flughafenlagen (airport-facilites) 13
CFS1-Library 14
Standart Scenery 15
Gelände (Terrain) 16
After I exit cfs2 often a error-message from windows like this appears:
CFS2 verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul MFC42.DLL bei 016f:5f4012a1.
EAX=00000000 CS=016f EIP=5f4012a1 EFLGS=00210246
EBX=02d20001 SS=0177 ESP=0329fbc8 EBP=0329fbf8
ECX=00000000 DS=0177 ESI=00e7b110 FS=3f07
EDX=00000003 ES=0177 EDI=00e7b150 GS=73a6
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
8b 71 04 85 f6 57 74 26 8b 7c 24 0c 33 d2 8b c7
00e7b110 5f4057d8 00000420 00e7b150 02d20001 00e7b110 5f45c1d7 00e7b110 00e7b110
0329fc0c 5f492db5 00000000 0329fc18 02d4298b 02d7b2e0 00e7b110
Is there a connection to the problem with the mission builder ?
What are the limits ?
There are 598 objects im my OBJECT_DP folder.
The 100 airplane limit is already known but how many effects, gauges,soundfiles,bgl-files
can you have without problems ?
I think about a new installation of cfs2 on a other harddrive.
Now I use Windows 98 SE.
I have heard that Windows 98 just manages up to 64 or 128 MB RAM.
I suspect that some limitations of cfs2 depends on the RAM.
Therefore I plan to use Windows 2000 Server.
Has somebody experience with this operating system ?
Is it compatible to dirctx 8.0 ?
I have an Athlon XP 2400 and 256 MB.
Get I really more performance when I use Windows 2000 Server ?
I know that were many questions.
Thank you for your answers.
P.S The link to the wepeons.doc is in the cfs2-tutrial section of