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Correctly formated mission-files/.dp entrys (Read 309 times)
Sep 20th, 2003 at 5:16pm

David27   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 16
I have two questions:

I have tried to build my first mission with the mission builder. I get the message: "Beim Laden der Einsatzdatei trat ein Fehler auf   entweder ist die Einsatzdatei beschädigt oder nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert."
(translated: Error during loading the mission-file. The mission-file is damaged  or  not formated correctly).

What is at least necessary that a mission-file is formated correctly ?

I have experimented with the .dp-files of some airplanes and created my own
weapon-payload. Unfortunally I don't know the meaning of the entrys in order to create further hardpoints.
I know there is a tutorial (the cfs2-weapons.doc) on this page but I get Error 404 (Site not found) when I try to download it.

Where can I get informations about the entrys in the .dp file ? Is there anywhere a tutorial ?
Thank you for your answers.
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Reply #1 - Sep 20th, 2003 at 5:36pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
David. I don't know any good DP tutes offhand. That 404 error might be a dead link. If you give me the page it's posted on I'll check it out.

Try DPED Version 1.10 for creating those DP files.
I find it easiest to modify an exiting one from a similar aircraft. Paste a copy of the DP file into the other aircraft. Make sure you rename it using the exact file prefix of the AIR file. Delete the corresponding CDP each time you modify a DP. CFS2 will create a new one when you next run the sim. It might be best to use a default DP that you know will work before trying to modify it.

One point. We recently discovered a bug with the German version of CFS2. The default DP does not work for aircraft without one as in the English versions. 3rd party aircraft must have a DP to work in missions. It's important that the DP is good & named correctly. If not, this is enough to cause the error message you describe.


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Reply #2 - Sep 24th, 2003 at 10:44am

David27   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 16

Is this error really just caused by a wrong named DP ?
I have build a mission similar to the first mission described by
"cody coyotes mission tutorial" (downloaded from
I used  only the F4F-Wildcat and the A6M2-Zero (both airplanes are absolutly unmodified) and a japanese merchant ship. Nevertheless I get the errormessage.
I have installed cfs2 on a other harddrirve and made a similar mission (same components). There it works.
All downloaded missions and old missions as well as campaigns work. It's like that the mission builder
would stamp a mission-file as "not correctly formated".

Has somebody experence with this error ?

Happens this error in the english version too ?
Should I buy the english version ?

Can this error caused by missing entries in the airbase.dat file ?
I couldn't made all of the entries of the "Far East Scenery" because it exceeds more than 234 entries.
Furthermore I removed the entries of the old cfs1 runways.

Or may be it caused by one of the included scenery ?
I have follow scenerys included:
Papua Scenery      1
Far East      2
ne_indie      3
FS2000_props      4
Gebäude (Buildings) 5
Start und Landebahnen (runways) 6
Effekte      (Effects)      7
Fahrzeuge(vehicles) 8

New Weapons      9
This includes some weapons from other airplanes
which I use for my own payloads.
But nevertheless the error occurs if I remove the entry and the modified airplanes.

Swordfish Weapons      10
Here are the weapons from the swordfish airplane.
I use them for own payloads. But when I remove this entry
and the made entries for the payload the error occurs furthermore.

Flugzeugwaffen (weapons) 11
Scenerieships (ships)      12
Flughafenlagen (airport-facilites) 13
CFS1-Library      14
Standart Scenery 15
Gelände (Terrain) 16

After I exit cfs2 often a error-message from windows like this appears:

CFS2 verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul MFC42.DLL bei 016f:5f4012a1.
EAX=00000000 CS=016f EIP=5f4012a1 EFLGS=00210246
EBX=02d20001 SS=0177 ESP=0329fbc8 EBP=0329fbf8
ECX=00000000 DS=0177 ESI=00e7b110 FS=3f07
EDX=00000003 ES=0177 EDI=00e7b150 GS=73a6
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
8b 71 04 85 f6 57 74 26 8b 7c 24 0c 33 d2 8b c7
00e7b110 5f4057d8 00000420 00e7b150 02d20001 00e7b110 5f45c1d7 00e7b110 00e7b110
0329fc0c 5f492db5 00000000 0329fc18 02d4298b 02d7b2e0 00e7b110

Is there a connection to the problem with the mission builder ?

What are the limits ?
There are 598 objects im my OBJECT_DP folder.
The 100 airplane limit is already known but how many effects, gauges,soundfiles,bgl-files
can you have without problems ?

I think about a new installation of cfs2 on a other harddrive.
Now I use Windows 98 SE.
I have heard that Windows 98 just manages up to 64 or 128 MB RAM.
I suspect that some limitations of cfs2 depends on the RAM.
Therefore I plan to use Windows 2000 Server.
Has somebody experience with this operating system ?
Is it compatible to dirctx 8.0 ?
I have an Athlon XP 2400  and 256 MB.
Get I really more performance when I use Windows 2000 Server ?

I know that were many questions.
Thank you for your answers.

P.S The link to the wepeons.doc is in the cfs2-tutrial section of
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Reply #3 - Sep 24th, 2003 at 11:11am

AuMaV   Offline
Old Git
The Great Southern Land

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Posts: 293
Yep had this error message a heap of times (I'm always playing with the dps:) )
It can be caused by a heap of things like loadouts addon to infrastructure ect ect but the main cause is error's in the dp files.Ok how do you work out which entry is killing the mission,well if your lucky most errors of this sort write an error.log file in the cfs2 folder.This will give you an object number .Next open the mission file in question  in notepad and do a search for the object number and cross reference that with the string name at bottom of the mission file.There is also a group of utilities which will check the missions and dp's for errors  do a search for Paul Hauschildt on this site or you can grab them from here
(you want the CFS setting programs and misc. utilities )
Hope this helps
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Reply #4 - Sep 24th, 2003 at 11:22am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
David. I am no expert on using the CFS2 Mission Builder. I do have a lot of experience with troubleshooting missions. From what you're saying, your CFS2 is messed up. This will also affect the MB. The most common cause of error messages in CFS2 is exceeding the installed aircraft limit. Check out my CFS2 FAQ page.
Please note that the actual limit can often be a lot less than 100.

My Fox Four colleague who writes all our Korean missions started off with the Cody Coyote tute you mention. If you follow the instructions carefully you should have no problems. Cody is a member of this forum so he might spot this & help more.

It's true a little thing like a wrongly named aircraft folder can cause error messages in missions. We discovered the bug with the German & some other versions of CFS2 & the DP files after our first campaign was released. The S-51 helo used in some missions had an incorrectly named DP file. This meant it used the default DP & worked fine in the English versions of CFS2. This is not a problem providing it has its own correctly named DP file. Once we knew the cause of the problem it was easily fixed by renaming the DP.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #5 - Sep 24th, 2003 at 7:01pm

David27   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 16

Thank you,   
I guess I got the Problem but I have no idea to solve it.

In the error.log file is this entry:

[Mission file error]
error=Invalid unit id 19181

I suspect it's the unit id.
I haven't seen any other missions in which the unit number is as high as this one.
But each mission I create with the mission builder starts to count with this number
([unit.0] id=19181 [unit.1]id=19182 and so on...).

Is this really the problem ?
Why does this happen ?

I have 212 runway entries in the airbase.dat file.
The id numbers in this entrie are sorted by campaign and are set up very high.
Highest umber 19200. Is there a connection ?

How can I solve the problem ?

Thank you for your answers.
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Reply #6 - Sep 24th, 2003 at 7:22pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
That unit id number does seem high. The airbases.dat entries too. May I suggest a duplicate install of CFS2.
Copied from the Fox Four FAQ page.

DUPLICATE INSTALL of CFS2 (or any other MS sim)

To do this, simply rename the existing CFS2 root directory folder to any other name.
Then insert the CD & install in the usual way.
You will now have two separate versions of CFS2 which will run independently.

Install just the aircraft & scenery for your mission into the new CFS2. The MB will read this one. I think that will fix most of your problems.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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