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S.A.R.A. (Read 2087 times)
Aug 19th, 2003 at 1:30pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

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Posts: 5989
Anyone interested in joining the Simulated Air Racing Association, as either a pilot, or an organizers, should let us know here.

I'm in as a pilot, and in fact, my new official plane paint scheme will soon be revealed.  :::evil snicker:::


Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #1 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 1:43pm

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Should I be worried? Shocked Wink

Offline Race Organization/Pilot

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Reply #2 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 1:50pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

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Posts: 5989
I don't know about you, EB, but I'm a bit worried.  I think this could be a lot of fun!  lol

I'm putting together "Team Hyperion" as we speak.  lol  I'm going to try to get as many of my pilots as possible to make up our team.

Also, I've already contacted several F$ sites about placing an ad on our racing planes in exchange for a link back to the racing page of the Hyperion website.  (Which has not yet been built.)

I'd think that the racing could be a great way to drive traffic not only to the sites of those who sponsor you, but also to your own website, if you've got one.

Just a thought!   8)

Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #3 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:13pm

fisharno   Offline
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Reno, Nv

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Posts: 626
So this is an offline event, correct?

The participants rely on individual planning and execution to acheive the goal?

Race format and some basic rules and regulations should be layed out first. (?)
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Reply #4 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:14pm

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Posts: 4515
A couple of quick questions:

Does SARA need its own website?  And if so, do you know anyone who might make it?  (I don't know web design from dingus)

We need others for organization!  This is PRIORITY 1!  If we don't have a core team, we don't have anything.

If you wish to join up, on any level (pilot, management, anything), send replies to  (that's me, by the way)

Hyp, that's a good idea with the advertising.  I can also help with repaints and 'stickering'.  It looks like you're the advertising exec by default, unless some other enterprising person is willing.  Any takers?

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Reply #5 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:18pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

Gender: male
Posts: 5989
I think there should be offline races and online races.  (The online races should be shorter tracks, IMHO...might make for some interesting competition.)

I agree that organization will have to be the heart of it.  If anyone wants to have a website, I can easily throw one together on like Geocities or something...

We'll also need some sort of logo.  lol

Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #6 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:21pm

Travis   Offline
Cannot find REALITY.SYS.
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Posts: 4515
Ooh!  Ooh!  I call the logo!  Its mine!!!  Any requests, or can I just wing it?  (Hmmmm, "Just Wing It" . . . .)

Yes, a website on GeoCities would be great!  I'm there for input, and any kind of help you think I might be able to do.  My email's above.

PS  I'm taking off for the pub and a stroll, so I'll be gone a few hours.  I'll link up when I get back.  Peace . . .

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Reply #7 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:39pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

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Posts: 5989
I'm at work right now, so I can't really do a site NOW, and I've made a vow of virtual celibacy this evening, so no computer for me tonight.

As soon as someone gets a logo done (not naming names lol) I'll start on a site.

I do, however, love the term "Just Wing It..."


Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #8 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:48pm

Rifleman   Offline
" Full size A/C are just
overgrown models ! "
Tropical island in the Pacific

Posts: 6622
Will there be classes or open racing of design to even out the field and make it a race of pilots rather than hardware........

These things need to be known in the design of a logo......if you want it to really be representative of the endeavor.........

.........just something to think of........I might take a run at this later on tonight .........

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Reply #9 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:53pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

Gender: male
Posts: 5989
Excellent points, Ken.

The inclusion of multiple classes might also open the doors to a lot more pilots.

I know some guys would rather fly jets or twins over single engine props.  Some like more modern planes, others like the oldies...

It would definitely be a larger group with more types of planes allowed.


Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #10 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:56pm

Rifleman   Offline
" Full size A/C are just
overgrown models ! "
Tropical island in the Pacific

Posts: 6622
GUYS GUYS GUYS......Look what I found......

Someones doing it already.......its not even an original idea..........

I have a url to send by Instant Message, if its wanted. I removed it as requested by Hyp.....

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Reply #11 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 2:58pm

ozzy72   Offline
Global Moderator
Pretty scary huh?

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Posts: 37122
If there is a warbird class.......

Ozzy Grin

There are two types of aeroplane, Spitfires and everything else that wishes it was a Spitfire!
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Reply #12 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 3:00pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

Gender: male
Posts: 5989
Dag nabbit...I knew it was too good to be true.  But perhaps ours can be better.  lol

Ken, get that link down before we give them more free advertising.  haha

Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #13 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 3:23pm

gilbates   Offline
Fly Hyperion

Gender: male
Posts: 132
I give a vote for online racing

and on a lighter note are we gona be allowed to nobble the opposition

ie smoke , guns and a little nudging

prob not me thinks

but fun though

still downloading me plane

19mb jeez thats half the size of me first hard disk

oh it looks good on the picys

did yiu konw taht aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an&&Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr&&the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnat tihng&&is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is in the rghit&&pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll&&raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not&&raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.&&Cool eh?&&
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Reply #14 - Aug 19th, 2003 at 3:57pm

fisharno   Offline
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Reno, Nv

Gender: male
Posts: 626
I don't have web space available, anymore. But, I can offer content.

Aircraft Catagories, Race Formats, Rules, Regulations, etc. Also, Online-Offline formats and some kind of prereqs for pilots to match their skill level.
(You wouldn't want to have a beginner pilot attempting advanced navigation techniques).

And that brings up another problem. Race formats would have to be taylored to the particular aircraft class.

It's OK to get from "A" to "B" as fast as possible, and that's OK, for an Online Open Class race. 

But to challange the "intillectual" pilot, there's a "Hare and Hound Race", a "Treasure Hunt Race", a "Mystery Clue Rally", and literially tons of variations on many other formats that anyone flying anything, with little skill can participate in. Most of these can be offline, and there's almost no opprotunity to cheat. You'd have to make the correct choice and the correct move at the correct time, or you won't win. Plain and simple.

Sponsors could, (if they desire), offer up some kind of small prizes, posters, books, simple software, whatever.

You gents have the opprotunity to create something that's far and above just a Race Association. I can see a whole interactive site with lots of choices for ALL sim pilots to participate in, rather than just playing the game by yourself. Pick a race, follow the instructions, and maybe at least win bragging rights!

With a little creativity, cleverness, and careful laying of the foundation, this could be really fun for everybody, no matter what type of flying they like to do.

I'd like to make a suggestion that an Online conference be held using MS Netmeeting. (Standard on almost all computers). Coordinators, developers, promoters, whatever you'd call them could iron out details in real time, and get this show on the road. That would be more productive and quicker than an open forum.

What'cha think?
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