Lago's F-16 is a good modern era jet fighter that works well in CFS3. It looks and handles great. The only drawbacks are that the pilot is still the 1940's era pilot that's in every CFS3 cockpit and he ejects in the same way ... no ejection seat. And the wheel brakes are very weak on the flight model so you really need a lot of room to stop the aircraft. This is a built in limitation of CFS3 and not the aircraft itself. The flaps only have one increment and the sound .xml file needs to be edited a bit to get the sound of the cannon to work. Other than those few drawbacks it's really fun to fly.
Surprisingly, the framerates are just as good as the CFS3 stock aircraft.
All the weapons work but of course are unguided.
Oh, I forgot to mention the biggest drawback. It costs $28.00 USD. Ouch.
I wish Ubi Soft/Eagle Dynamics would hurry up and get LO:MAC released. It's already two years past due!