Well, after a fun night of relaxing around the fire and roasting a few marshmallows with Ken, it was time to get this show on the road. My next stop would be Juneau. This flight was going to take about 3 hours. The weather was looking good as I started up the Robin and waved farewell to my cabin in the woods.
I feathered the throttle as I moved through the lot towards the runway.
I gave “the moose” a wink and was alittle nervous about my take off. The runway basically ends with a 1,000ft drop into the canyon. The Robin better be feeling strong this morning. I adjusted my flaps, took note of the wind’s direction and gave her full throttle!
The floor basically fell out from under me and I almost stalled her…gulp…gulp.
As she picked up speed, I slowly started to climb out of Crooked Lake
A nice gust of wind pushed the nose of The Robin up and we were on our way to the next destination. Good-bye Crooked Lake and thanks for the warm fire, the fine friends…and the “complimentary” bottle of whiskey last night!
As I leveled off, the trip today promised some nice views. I set my GPS and started my journey NorthWest towards Juneau. We were on our way once again.
To see from the beginning, click here: To see journey from the beginning, click here: