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Avro Lanc screenshots (Read 5209 times)
Reply #15 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 11:02am

Whitey   Offline

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Posts: 2697
Ooooh...nightfighter! Grin Wink
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Reply #16 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 1:16pm

d0mokun   Offline
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Staffs, UK

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lol that thing will never defend against the lovely lancy... for a start a good defence in an air war would be a plane, not a flying tv aerial set!  Grin Wink

Regards,&& Dano&&&&Daniel Dunn&&StudioTwentyOne design team&&&&Formerly known as Moomin_dan ...
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Reply #17 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 2:04pm

Mathias   Offline
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lol that thing will never defend against the lovely lancy... for a start a good defence in an air war would be a plane, not a flying tv aerial set!  Grin Wink

Don´t tell that too loud, many more Lanc´s fell victim to BF110´s than v.v.
The Lanc was an overweighted labil elephant full of unprotected fuel and bombload. Once in sight it was more than likely dead meat. Smiley

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Reply #18 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 5:25pm

MaxL   Offline
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both the planes i've seen on this thread look great.  i can't wait until they are released.  the night air war over germany has always intregued me.
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Reply #19 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 5:30pm

d0mokun   Offline
What's cooler than cool?
Ice cold!
Staffs, UK

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Posts: 1165
Don´t tell that too loud, many more Lanc´s fell victim to BF110´s than v.v.
The Lanc was an overweighted labil elephant full of unprotected fuel and bombload. Once in sight it was more than likely dead meat. Smiley

OOOH If you wish to play dirty mate, then the 110 was a definate underpowered fighter that didnt cut it against the mossie and so on..
the lanc was definately not overweighted.. well.. even if she was she could cope. but more importantly...

if your so sure, when i finish off the payloads for her, hows about we both run up cfs3 on multi. One lanc, my other two teammates in the mossies; and you and two others in the 110. or 3 lancs v 110's. We'll see whos the elephantish plane then  Grin Wink

Regards,&& Dano&&&&Daniel Dunn&&StudioTwentyOne design team&&&&Formerly known as Moomin_dan ...
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Reply #20 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 5:36pm

Crumbso   Offline
Ground Hog

Overweighted Elephant? OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH no MATE.

I doubt that the heinkel could be looped and rolled as the lancaster could.

Oh and by the way this is the first project that I will have been in since joining TLUK although not making the sounds I shall be putting them together. 8)


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Reply #21 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 5:40pm

d0mokun   Offline
What's cooler than cool?
Ice cold!
Staffs, UK

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Posts: 1165
He-111's were jumped and killed by hurricanes and spits all the time, and i'm sure the bf-110 was, well, limited in performance or something like that.
As i said, go take a look at the vulc. Another AVRO BOMBER that can LOOP ROLL and kick supreme ass. Just as the lancy can.
Plus it actually did its job and could carry bombs. Unlike certain counterparts...

but, as i say, pit your word against mine and lets put our money where our mouths are. 3 v 3 multiplayer, night raid on a factory or some other facility. Be also an interesting arrangement for both groups i think too.
8) Grin Wink

Regards,&& Dano&&&&Daniel Dunn&&StudioTwentyOne design team&&&&Formerly known as Moomin_dan ...
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Reply #22 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 6:46pm

cabdude   Offline
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Far be it for me to divert a thread from a discussion of which bomber/fighter flew faster/looped better/had a cooler paintjob  Smiley but my quetion is for Mathias;

Are those antennae just for decoration?  That was, after all, the primary reason for converting the bf110 into a nightfighter.

Not sure if CFS3 even allows for radar sets...
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Reply #23 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 7:04pm

Mathias   Offline
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LOL, gentlemen, don´t let this turn into a s***fight or something.
The hole thing is 60 years ago and history has been written.
Having said said that, all accounts say the same, so there is not much space left to argue, national pride aside. Wink

cabdude, to answer your question, yes, the antennas are decoration, no good way to make radar work.
We have searchlights in and we found a good way to simulate "window".
As far as radar goes we´re stuck with the tactical display and some kind of briefing info.

BTW, who is talking about Heinkels? Grin


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Reply #24 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 7:14pm

d0mokun   Offline
What's cooler than cool?
Ice cold!
Staffs, UK

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Posts: 1165
nonononoo no fight here mate, i genuinely want to challenge you!

so comon! I lay down the gauntlet. 110's v lancs on a night raid; what do you say lol?

and btw, i love the 110 you made lol.  8) Grin

Regards,&& Dano&&&&Daniel Dunn&&StudioTwentyOne design team&&&&Formerly known as Moomin_dan ...
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Reply #25 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 7:23pm

Mathias   Offline
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Posts: 558
Yeah, good one!!!
we need a "neutral" instance to take care of the performance of the both planes.
What about offering your plane to the guys at for tracking down damage profiles and flight model? Wink

err, ehm, what about scanning your other Lancaster shots for me? always loved the bird and always looking for references. Grin

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Reply #26 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 7:38pm

lefty   Offline

Posts: 12
Mathias, talking about Heinkels, you have promised us an He115 for YEARS.   Your avatar says it all.  C'mon, we seaplane nuts are feeling very underprivileged in CFS3. I think there is a Sunderland on the way so you have to square the picture.
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Reply #27 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 8:55pm

d0mokun   Offline
What's cooler than cool?
Ice cold!
Staffs, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 1165
i was working on a shorts sunderland but recently stopped work on it due to lack of plans etc.
however, it may well appear for fs2004 from me.

Regards,&& Dano&&&&Daniel Dunn&&StudioTwentyOne design team&&&&Formerly known as Moomin_dan ...
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Reply #28 - Jul 26th, 2003 at 3:32am

Whitey   Offline

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Posts: 2697
LOL...if you'd like a detailed book about the night air war over Germany, get Bomber by Den Leighton.  Gives the mission from the German and the British point of view.  The Brits in a Lanc, the Germans in a Ju88 night fighter.  Powerful stuff... Wink...a classic read, if you've got the patience, because it takes it's sweet time getting started! Grin

The 110s came up a with a novel idea once the Spits and Hurris realised they couldn't turn...they simply flew in circles guarding each othes arses! Cheesy  The fighters left them alone and concentrated on the bombers!  They may have been fast, but they had two big engines slung on, that meant it turned like an truck!
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Reply #29 - Jul 26th, 2003 at 9:02am

Mathias   Offline
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Posts: 558
 They may have been fast, but they had two big engines slung on, that meant it turned like an truck!

Yep, compared to single engine fighters piloted by highly couraged men during the BoB.
but actually the 110 was better than her *post war* reputation.
quote from Capt. Eric Brown who evaluated most of the german aircraft during and after the war:

..........In the Battle of Britain the BF110 fell far short of anticipation and its limited success was to lead to a widespread belief that it was an unsuccessful design. This was, in fact, far from the case, for the Messerschmitt strategic fighter was not the indifferent warplane that its showing during the "Battle" led many to believe. It was a very effective warplane but inadequate understanding of the Führungsstab of the limitations of the strategic fighter category led to its incorrect deployment with the result that the Zerstörergruppen suffered some 40 percent attrition within less than three weeks of the launching of Adlerangriff.

A soundly designed warplane

Having attempted to present the rationale of the BF110´s relatively poor showing in British skies during the summer of 1940, wich resulted in this elegant warplane being adjudged unfairly by many aviation historians as unsuccessful. I would make the point that, apart from the debacle of the Zerstörergruppen during the Battle of Britain, the BF110 served with a fair degree of distinction throughout the whole of WWII as both diurnal and nocturnal interceptor, as an intruder and fighter-bomber, and in a variety of other operational roles, the basic design proving amenable to power plant changes and to accomodating armament, avionics and other equipment far beyond anything envisaged at the time of its conception.
By any standards, therefore, the BF110 must be deemed a success, and I was certainly never to meet a German pilot that disliked it      an accolade indeed........................
Performancewise the BF110 was certainly significantly superior to what I suppose can be considered as its nearest British counterpart, the Beaufighter, and it was certainly appreciably more manouvreable than the heavier and larger Bristol aeroplane with its substantially greater wing loading, and in consequence there can be little doubt that the Messerschnitt was the better day fighter.
End of quote.


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