I'm starting to get a little bit tired (my fingers, actually) of typing the entire set of instructions. But I'm still willing to make this one last set.
The fun part of the game. COMBAT!!!!
This is one of the most exciting parts of Firestorm. Here, you will see 3 kinds of Combat: Ship-to-Ship, Hero-to-Hero, and Ship-to-Planet.
Attacker Declaration: You have 2 ways of declaring combat (attack) against your opponent's ship.
1) Issue 1 command, move your attacking ship to the location of your target ship, then declare the attack.
2) If you are in the same location as your opponent's ship, issue 1 command and declare the attack on that ship (your target).
***Automatic Actions for Ship-to-ship combat***
What the attacker does:
1. Choose any number of ships (yours) that are Adjacent (next to) to location of combat and move them to the combat area (where your attacking ship is).
2. Choose any number of ships (yours) that are IN the location of combat.
2. Starting from the person to your left, you can ask a player to help you in combat (if he accepts, he will be your Attack-Support (or just Support).
What the Defender does:
1. You gather up your forces using the same steps mentioned above.
2. The player that helps you will be you Defense-Support.
Starting from the Attacker and moving to the next player (Clockwise), the attacker and other players can perform a Combat action (such as firing your ship's GUNS). The defender can fire back as well (when it's his chance to perform the action).
RULE: A player can't attack a ship that has already been attacked by someone else in this TURN.
When all players pass consecutively, the combat subphase ends (and you move on to the END phase).
The damage inflicted by the Guns (1st value on the ship's printed COMBAT statistic) will reduce the target ship's printed STRUCTURE statistic.
This kind of combat only involves 2 players and NO supporters (this is a personal fight).
How to declare a Hero combat:
1. Just simply say which hero (your target) you want to attack and which hero (yours) you will use to attack that hero.
***Automatic Actions for Hero-to-Hero combat***
1. Both players will draw a card from their draw pile (kept FACE-DOWN) and place it next to their own hero (the ones that will fight).
2. Flip the cards over to reveal them. Look for the card's Cosmic Value (upper-right corner of the flipped card).
3. The Attacker will ADD his value to the COMBAT statistic printed on his attacking hero.
4. The Defender will then SUBSTRACT his value from the attacking hero's Combat statistic.
5. How much the attacking hero has left will be how much damage that hero will inflict on the LIFE statistic printed on the Defending hero.
If the defending hero survives the first blow, the defending hero now becomes the attacker while the attacking hero becomes the defender.
Note: Both heroes will continue to attack each other until one of the hero's LIFE statistic drops to "0".
Note: Whenever a ship's STRUCTURE is down to 0, or when a hero's LIFE is down to 0, those cards will be sent to the RECYCLE pile unless the card's text say otherwise.
I have found a link that provide a lot of information (resources) of the game including a full manual of the game.
http://www.thirdworldgames.com/html/fs_re/This is as far as I can tell you before my fingers die on me.