I have often wondered what it would be like to pilot a high performance aircraft. Through the medium of flightsim I may get an inkling of that thrill though few models have actually convinced me.
I downloaded recently the finished DSB EFA and in some respects was very impressed. I was surviving on a beta that I was givien before, when I was working on the project. I must say that the flight dynamics and the model had me convinced and I am still happily flying the EFA. There was though one thing that annoyed me. The sounds! I don't know about you but they seem to lack the effort that Mr. Hambleys usual projects have. They don't sound like a powerful and huge engine that pushes this heavy aircraft through the air. Anyway those are my thoughts on this otherwise wonderful aircraft.
P.S It seems to be the only aircraft I know in FS that can do a cobra, (see shot 4 and look at the vapour trails. I managed to recover fully from this manuaver as well.)
Nice A/B's
Everything that should move, does.
A nice amount of power, but not too much. Which I like!
The infamous cobra move. Whether or not it would be used in battle is debatable but still nice all the same.
I like shiny things!
Landings are easy enough and the stall is not too violent.
Surprisingly short takeoff run but I noticed this at Farnborough the real bird gets off the ground REAL quick aswell.
Low level flight is fun.
So is high level.
Night time is also fun.
All in all a nice package.