Thank you, a fantastic campaign/ addon.
I made a fresh install of the game for this. I have way to many planes now, hence the delay before trying this one out.
Now I was never in Korea (or any other war for that matter, something I would like to maintain) but the first mission looked just like the films told me it should! All that was missing was Hawkeye and the Radar from M*A*S*H !!
I have only one slight issue.
Some of the scenery and planes are real frame rate killers. I was down below 10fps at times. The mission requiring us to fly escort for bombers attacking a bridge was a problem. Every time I turned towards the bridge, however far away it was, the game turned into a slide show.
The Migs and all enemy planes were fine once I turned the graphics down a little but the US bombers were also a little hungry.
As you will have guest I don't have the best system but I'm usually ok with the graphics down around 3 - 4 on 800x600, 16 colour.
I was generally flying the separate missions last night so that I could try and tweak my settings to allow smooth play. So I now can't wait to try the whole thing out as a campaign.
I've not flown jets before. Those sabres are a whole world different from props. Great guns though. I do like seeing the opponent disintegrate before my eyes
Once I had got the hang of not turning too tight and got the airbrakes mapped to the joystick there were MiG's falling out the sky all over. And as for the enemy bombers. What a duck shoot
All in all FANTASTIC. And a real, great change from the props. Brilliantly made. Can't wait for more!
Anyone fancy flying on-line with the Sabres?
Might be best once the Mig's are ready?