Sorry, I haven't been replying for a little while. I've been busy with college preparation (you can't imaging the trouble I went through
Anyways, one of you people have said something about having a 3-view not properly scaled. Don't worry about that. Here is a set of step-by-step instructions on how to set them up (the professional way).
The image setup:
1. Open your 3-view image in any paint or image-editing program.
2. Cut out a view (side view, front view, or top view) using a cutter. I suggest you use one that goes Free-handed.
3. Save that little cut-out section as a seperate file (give it a proper name for easy referance).
4. Repeat the steps until you get the view ready.
GMAX setup:
1. Create a plane (not the model, I'm talking about a basic object) that will represent a certain view of one of the cut-out sections you made previously.
2. Make sure that the plane has the same dimensions as the view it represents by using the image's pixel size (ex: a side view having a size of 256 x 512 can be applied to an image of 256ft x 512ft. Scaled down that plane. LOL).
3. Apply a UVW modifier (this is what makes the textures appear on the selected object) to that plane.
4. Now apply the texture (a side view image for example) to the selected object.
5. Repeat until you get all views done.
The scaling:
1. Now, scale down your objects (there should 3. One for side, one for front and one for top view) by using UNIFORM Scale tool. Never use NON-UNIFORM scale tool.
2. Make sure that the images (not the objects) match each other (nose to tail, wing tip to wing tip, etc.).
3. From here, you should be done with the setup. Now FREEZE those objects so that you won't accidentally select them as you make the ACTUAL model.
There is a tutorial regarding these steps in
www.onnovanbraam.comI hope I made myself clear.
Good luck Adam.