This is the first time I ever really flew a Floatplane. I guess after seeing Ramsa's incredible pictures from his "Leaving Southampton" thread, I wanted to give it a try.
After a long day out choppin' wood at the cabin on the lake, I wanted to see if I could get a good view of the sun setting over the mountains. Up here, it sets quickly. I unhooked my flaotplane and prepared for a water take-off.
As I cleared the water, I could see it was setting fast.
As I leveled off, I could see the sun setting through the clouds.
There she was, right in front of me. The view was magnificent.
As darkness started to fall, I knew it was time to return to the cabin. I was never one for night landings on the water.
As my plane came closer to landing, the moon's glow danced on the water.
As I pulled up to my dock, I was looking foward to a warm fire and a stiff drink!! Those night landings can be quite stressful!
Hope you enjoyed.
Dave 8)