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so little visual information! (Read 580 times)
Jun 12th, 2003 at 2:43am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
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I am working on an aircraft, and I can't find any important information about it!
all I have is the wingspan and the size of the cockpit!
What should I do (there is no sketch of the plane)?

Liran Bar, Israel

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Reply #1 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 2:57am

Oz   Offline

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what is the name of the plane?
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Reply #2 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 3:18am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
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It was confidential untill now.... but why not...:

White Knight

any ideas?

Liran Bar, Israel

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Reply #3 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 3:23am

Oz   Offline

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Thats gonna be a hard one to find. My best suggestion: do a search on and

good luck
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Reply #4 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 3:27am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
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already done that.... the problem is the "white knight" is also a piece in chess....

any other ideas?

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Reply #5 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 4:36am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
That should be easy enough. Narrow down the search criteria by adding key words. For example, adding just one word white knight aircraft brought this up at the top of a long list.
Here's another one.


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Reply #6 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 4:43am

Rifleman   Offline
" Full size A/C are just
overgrown models ! "
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You might try adding " Rutan "  as a keyword....after all, this is what you are looking for, isn't it ?


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Reply #7 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 5:12am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
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what I really need is measurements....
especially of the wings, booms, enginges, windows.... I got nothing!

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Reply #8 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 6:07am

SilverFox441   Offline
Now What?
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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Not quite enough info...

Maybe you should drop a line to Scaled Composites?

Just ask for what you need. Smiley

Steve (Silver Fox) Daly
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Reply #9 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 6:15am

Felix/FFDS   Offline
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You have the 85ft wingspan - from there, you can estimate the rest... from the front view, and the reasonably good top view photos, you can reasonably estimate the rest...

I am working on an aircraft, and I can't find any important information about it!
all I have is the wingspan and the size of the cockpit!
What should I do (there is no sketch of the plane)?

Liran Bar, Israel


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Reply #10 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 6:18am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
forget you!

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Maybe you should drop a line to Scaled Composites?

Just ask for what you need. Smiley

Already done that.... they say it's confidential. and every thing they can say is on their website.....

Liran Bar, Isael

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Reply #11 - Jun 12th, 2003 at 5:17pm

SilverFox441   Offline
Now What?
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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I guess if they won't cooperate you will have to scale it the way Felix suggests...use the known measrement to derive the others. More effort, but it will work.

I remember seeing one of the pics where you have a great nose on view...that will let you position the booms, etc...

You should also search for White Knight here:

The website of Aviation Week & Space Technology...they have some good info. Smiley

Steve (Silver Fox) Daly
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Reply #12 - Jun 13th, 2003 at 5:20am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
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Wouldn't that be inaccurate? It will be noticable wouldn't it?
and there are other stuff I need for the air file that I can't guess, such as V1 V2 and the pich alt on the ground......

Liran Bar, Israel

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Reply #13 - Jun 13th, 2003 at 5:30am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Wouldn't that be inaccurate? It will be noticable wouldn't it?
and there are other stuff I need for the air file that I can't guess, such as V1 V2 and the pich alt on the ground......

Liran Bar, Israel

So who is qualified to contradict you? With a huge amount of prize money at stake the manufacturer is understandably keeping quiet.
The company plans to use the craft to compete for the X Prize, a $10 million cash prize that will be awarded to the first team
that successfully launches three people to an altitude of 62.5 miles (100 kilometers) returns the safely to Earth and then repeat that feat with the same vehicle within two weeks

This is the main problem with trying to model any top secret project.


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Reply #14 - Jun 13th, 2003 at 6:43am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
forget you!

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Posts: 583
yeah... that's an expensive prize isn't it? Grin

OK I will try to be as acurate as I can....

Liran Bar, Israel

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Reply #15 - Jun 13th, 2003 at 7:01pm

SilverFox441   Offline
Now What?
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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Posts: 1467
Use the leading edge of the wing as a fixed reference point...and model outward from there.

For example, when adding the booms position them from where they meet the leading edge. That will put the booms in the right spot and make them the right width.

Other features can be added by using each new known location as a reference for a new piece.

You will still build in some inaccuracies...but they will be slight enough to not matter all that much.

Steve (Silver Fox) Daly
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Reply #16 - Jun 14th, 2003 at 2:33am

liran_bar   Offline
Ramon, we shall never
forget you!

Gender: male
Posts: 583
OK... thanks

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