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GMax or FSDS - Which is better? (Read 891 times)
May 30th, 2003 at 11:55am
Tingus   Guest

Looking for some advise as to which program is better?
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Reply #1 - May 30th, 2003 at 1:35pm

Oz   Offline

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Posts: 896
FSDS is much more user-friendly than Gmax and is easier to understand. Gmax on the other hand is very complex; and i mean it. You'll need to read tutorial after tutorial to really get used to it. Gmax however, is free while FSDS2 costs money. So if you dont care about the money and wanna do some models without encountering a lot of difficulty, then stick with FSDS. If you got a lot of time to learn and have a lot of patience, then try Gmax. BTW go download Gmax right now to see how it is, then make up your mind.
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Reply #2 - May 30th, 2003 at 1:53pm

Hagar   Offline
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I was going to say much the same as Oz. If you you have no previous 3d modelling experience, Gmax might suit you. Some people seem to have few problems understanding or using it, especially if they have experience with its big brother 3ds max or similar professional programs. Bear in mind that Gmax was not specifically intended for designing FS aircraft/scenery objects. It's free but you will need the appropriate Gamepack to export the model to whichever sim you're designing for. For FS2002/CFS2 this is bundled with FS2002 Pro & there's no other way to get it. FS2004 includes the Gamepack which might also be compatible with FS2002/CFS2. The CFS3 Gamepack is a separate free download & not compatible with the other M$ sims.

FSDS2 is an excellent alternative - developed by an FS designer for FS designers. It's capable of most things Gmax can do & uses the same animation conventions. It will export direct to FS2000, CFS2 & FS2002 without needing a Gamepack. It should also be fine for FS2004 but not currently suitable for use with CFS3. I find FSDS2 much easier to use. The main problem being that it's payware with no trial version. I suggest you downoad & try Gmax first.


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Reply #3 - Jun 1st, 2003 at 1:21pm

EirePlane   Offline
London, UK

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Good Points
GMax is a free program available from discreet.
It gets to you a lot quicker than FSDS
it is a professional tool
Most planes with a good virtual cockpit are made with GMax i.e. Projct Mach 2 and Meljet

Bad Points
Very hard to use
Long download tme = bigger phone bill

Good Points
Very nice aircraft i.e. Chuck Dome's aircraft
Easy to use
No download time

Bad Points
Delivery Period

Sorry I can't tell you more about FSDS but I don't use it and I haven't heard about any Complaints.
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Reply #4 - Jun 1st, 2003 at 1:30pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
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Orlando, FL

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You have good points, but I'll "fine tune" them.

Good Points
GMax is a free program available from discreet.
It gets to you a lot quicker than FSDS
it is a professional tool
Most planes with a good virtual cockpit are made with GMax i.e. Projct Mach 2 and Meljet

Bad Points
Very hard to use = steep learning curve.
Long download tme = bigger phone bill

To make models for FS2002/CFS2 you NEED the converters that come with FS2002 Professional.
The converters are separate for CFS3, and FS2004 will come with it.

gMAx has been available on CDs from some of the gaming and flightsim magazines.

Good Points
Very nice aircraft i.e. Chuck Dome's aircraft
Easy to use
No download time

Bad Points
Delivery Period

You can purchase FSDS2 for download.

Sorry I can't tell you more about FSDS but I don't use it and I haven't heard about any Complaints.


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Reply #5 - Jun 1st, 2003 at 5:13pm

d0mokun   Offline
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imho i dont like fsds at all..
i started with v1.x, didnt really like it; i myself found it harder than gcraps etc and the results lesser.
however previously i have worked with poly modeling programs for other software, and stuff similiar [and inc.] 3ds max, so then gcraps would be easier to me.
however.. its buggy alright. it does throw up errors without a trace of help a lot of the time.

still, try them both.. if you cant use gmax after a bit of an attempt then go for fsds2..

Regards,&& Dano&&&&Daniel Dunn&&StudioTwentyOne design team&&&&Formerly known as Moomin_dan ...
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Reply #6 - Jun 1st, 2003 at 10:20pm
ViNtAgE FlYa   Ex Member

i use TSModeller (FSDS little brother) for making Locos and scenery for Train Simulator. recently i got FSDS and it is just as the same and easy to use as TSM.

thow on the design tutorial page, there is a link to
G-Max Tutorials at Simviation

Chris Cookson's Gmax Site - Excellent!

Fraser Turner's FSDS to gmax to mdl tutorial - Excellent!

they are all linked except for Fraser Turner's FSDS to gmax tutorial

i would realy like to know how to import FSDS to GmAX

any1 know of that?
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Reply #7 - Jun 1st, 2003 at 11:17pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL

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At this time, you can export an FSDS1 model as a gmax readable dxf model via a plugin.  You can export an SD2 model as an XML file, but someone would need to write an XML to DXF format converter.

i would realy like to know how to import FSDS to GmAX

any1 know of that?


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Reply #8 - Jun 1st, 2003 at 11:52pm

Oz   Offline

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Posts: 896
Felix, where can i find this plugin
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Reply #9 - Jun 1st, 2003 at 11:58pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL

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Note that it is for use with FSDS1.6, NOT FSDS2.!!!


Felix, where can i find this plugin


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Reply #10 - Jun 2nd, 2003 at 11:35am

Ronnie   Offline
December 17, 1903. The
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Texas, USA

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Does anyone have a mirror site for the Mach 2 panel? It won't work on the main site.
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Reply #11 - Jun 3rd, 2003 at 11:40am

javier   Offline
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I have the aricraft container manager program, and it has that file conversion program

Find it in:


Javier Grin
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Reply #12 - Jun 4th, 2003 at 10:33pm
ViNtAgE FlYa   Ex Member


Felix, when i open the zip up, there is nothing in it, could you please give a site that supplys the plugin?


Note that it is for use with FSDS1.6, NOT FSDS2.!!!


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Reply #13 - Jun 4th, 2003 at 10:48pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL

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Posts: 1000000627

What I should have done a long time ago...Smiley

Felix, when i open the zip up, there is nothing in it, could you please give a site that supplys the plugin?


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Reply #14 - Jun 6th, 2003 at 7:11am
ViNtAgE FlYa   Ex Member


Erm, it doesn't convert FSDS to gMax....


What I should have done a long time ago...Smiley

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