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The New Air Force 1 747 (Read 309 times)
May 27th, 2003 at 7:20pm

ARFFguy20   Offline
ARFF guys Rule!
Portage, Michigan

Gender: male
Posts: 223
I downloaded the new MelJet AirForce 1 747 and flew from Grand Rapids Michigan back home to Andrews.  I included a shot of it on touch down, and then parked where I added objects from Flight Sim. Scenery Enhancer.  Let me know what you think.  I'm just getting started.  Looking forward to your feedback. (I do have a few shots from mid flight too but nothing too special. flying over Pittsburgh intl. and a few nice profile shots.)  Hope to hear from you.  Bye for now.    ~F.F. Brent Reeves



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Reply #1 - May 27th, 2003 at 9:20pm

Oz   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 896
nice shots
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Reply #2 - May 27th, 2003 at 9:24pm

Threadkiller   Offline
London, Ontario

Gender: male
Posts: 2463
nice pix, just a quick observation, dunno if its just me but the flag looks a bit oversized and on the first pic looks like the blue square is too lite and pointing on the wrong direction  Embarrassed

i'll look it up anyway Grin

great pix!!

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Reply #3 - May 27th, 2003 at 11:02pm
x   Ex Member

I want to know where to get the

Cry Cry

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Reply #4 - May 28th, 2003 at 9:31am

ARFFguy20   Offline
ARFF guys Rule!
Portage, Michigan

Gender: male
Posts: 223
A quick note about the flag.  First of all, that was on the aircraft from MelJet, I didnt' do that.  Anyways, the flags on aircraft, military vehicles and uniforms of military, police and Firefighters (ME) always point the stars towards the "heart" or in the case of the jet, the cockpit, the "heart" of the aircraft. Don't ask me why, it is just one of those "flag rules"  and about the stairs.  I got those throught the add on "Flight Simulartor Scenerey Enhancer" It is a payware program.  I believe you can get a sample version for free on the net (Here??) but the payware is well worthe the $20 I paid.  All of the vehicles, lights, GPU, and stairs are from there, there are even people you can add, buildings, lakes, parking lots, jetways etc... very fun!  Take care everyone!
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Reply #5 - May 28th, 2003 at 1:41pm

N505AF   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 855
nice pix, just a quick observation, dunno if its just me but the flag looks a bit oversized and on the first pic looks like the blue square is too lite and pointing on the wrong direction  Embarrassed

i'll look it up anyway Grin
great pix!!

on the right aft side of the vertical staff the flag I think is right ive never had to use the grubber machine to make one or put one on, all the fighter jets ive worked on for the AF have never had the flag on them.  I will ask when I go to work to night or I will just look wile im out on the flight line...
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