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› Surviving a ditching
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Surviving a ditching (Read 1085 times)
Apr 30
, 2003 at 2:49am
New Zealand
Posts: 13
So you get all shot up out at sea in your Wildcat and you're too low to bail out, so you ditch, just like it says in the manual. And then you sink, explode and die. Is there a dismount key? A climb out on the wing and inflate life jacket key? The ooo option doesn't work for me when I'm on the water. My pilot just sits there and takes what's coming. Any pointers?
Thanks for the help.
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Reply #1 -
Apr 30
, 2003 at 7:35am
Hampshire, UK
Posts: 74
I have noticed the same but have been unable to find a 'way out'.
A similar thing happens on land if you land with damaged undercarriage or belly land. After lots of bouncing and scrapping along the ground the plane stops. after about 10 secs you get a message that the plane will blow and the nsure enough 10 secs later it does.
There I am yelling at the screen for the pilot to get out and run for it but he just sits there. Again I tried all buttons I can think of. Even openned the canopy and switched off engine prior to 'landing' but he just sits there. I'm usually in a Hellcat so I guess the pilot is American. Does this explain why
Don't shoot me!!
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Reply #2 -
Apr 30
, 2003 at 10:46am
Tequila Sunrise
Nunquam non paratus
Glasgow Scotland
Posts: 4149
at see I dont think theres anything you can do, but on land if you bring it in gently enough you'll grind to a halt in one piece and survive
If someone with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide, is it a hostage situation?
Thou shalt maintain thine airspeed lest the ground shalt rise up and smite thee
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Reply #3 -
Apr 30
, 2003 at 1:14pm
As captain of your ship, you are required to go down with her. If you fly Japanese aircraft, the order is a little different (ditch, disembowel, sink, blow up).
The only way I know of to 'survive' a ditching is to end the flight just before the 'blow up and die.' If the plane stops and slowly settles, that's a successful ditching.
Missions can be set to end with a 'successful' ditching (fade to black). There are a couple of 'practice' ditching missions on Netwings.
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Reply #4 -
May 2
, 2003 at 5:06am
Lizard Jockey
Yes you're all correct, the sim designers didn't think this one all the way through or maybe they just didn't care what happens to us after we go in. My guess on this is that we are just supposed to exit the mission immediatly after the plane comes to a stop as has been suggested earlier.
In reality, an average WW 2 fighter didn't sink quite as fast as CFS 2 and they certainly didn't always blow up after submerging. A pilots biggist hazard was being knocked unconcious on impact. Even though they were strapped in, they often hit their head on the gun sight.
As for the best chances of surviving a wheels up landing or "Watering" as the case may be, I've found that applying some flap then turning everything off: Main Switch, Gas, Mags, Feathering the prop so it comes to a complete stop then taking care to set it down under 80 knots with the nose up will usually assure servivability and at least on land, it won't blow up at all. Nothing I've tried seems to keep the ship from blowing in the water which strikes me a pretty stupid but then I could go on for a few pages about what I think is wrong with M$'s approach to military flight sims.
L.J. Over...
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Reply #5 -
May 2
, 2003 at 9:51am
No, I'm NOT Russian, I
only like Russian aircraft
The netherlands
Posts: 6058
use eject button or something to get out perhaps (just a guess, i don't have CFS3)
Russian planes:
IL-76 (all standard length ones)
Tu-154 and Il-62
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Reply #6 -
May 2
, 2003 at 1:44pm
I like jam.
Cornwall, England
Posts: 12574
Well lads in CFS2 you can survive a bail out a very low level. You just gotta hit O 3 times very very fast.
I also find that having the canopy open in a scrap helps you to live. As it saves time and altitude. As long as your parachute is opening your fine to fly another day.
Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #7 -
May 3
, 2003 at 9:42pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 14
Correctamundo on the canopy issue.
In fact, it was standard proceedure to open the canopy for all landings weather they were land based, carrier or crash landings. In the event of a hard impact the slides tended to jam shut and the pilot would be traped. That's why you see so many open canopys in the old photographs.
One other problem with canopys was that they also could be jamed shut after the impact of enemy fire to the cockpit area. Many pilots in any number of different types of planes died because they couldn't get the lid opened to bail out.
War is Murffy's Law in Steroids.
L. J. Out.
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Reply #8 -
May 8
, 2003 at 6:45pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 35
You might want to play around with this file.
Cfs2 warp n' ditch by C.Burgess. It's over at goto search and file exact is:
It's a .dyn but can be inserted into missions (not free flight or qc)
Hope this helps. Bertie
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Reply #9 -
May 8
, 2003 at 8:11pm
The Unrepentant Heretic
Sittingbourne, Kent,
Posts: 3879
Just a thought but unless you are really close to a carrier when you ditch I think blowing up would be the most merciful way out.
Imagine finding yourself alone in the water, surrounded by sharks. Possibly wounded and 200 miles from the carrier. That's a HORRIBLE way to die.
I suppose you could simulate it but most players would, I imagine, prefer to skip it and get on with the action.
Who switched the lights off? I can't see a thing....... Hold on, my eyes were closed. Oops, my bad...............&&
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Reply #10 -
May 10
, 2003 at 10:18pm
"Goodbye, ferret face."
Capt. Hawkeye Pierce
Every which way at once!
Posts: 507
If you are gonna belly in and land, you should try to get your prop to stop moving. That is what causes the mortal prop strike. Stop the prop, save a life!
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Reply #11 -
Jun 1
, 2003 at 9:59am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 3
I found that, just before you crash or ditch on the water or land, tap the bail out button and once you are stuck in the water, the bloke simply jumps out. I've only tried this in multiplayer and free flight, so i dont know what the outcome of the mission will be.
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Reply #12 -
Jun 1
, 2003 at 11:04am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 140
to all you flyers out how do you open the canopy without bailing out???? what key needs to be pushed.
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Reply #13 -
Jun 1
, 2003 at 11:55am
Tequila Sunrise
Nunquam non paratus
Glasgow Scotland
Posts: 4149
shift + c opens/closes canopy
shift + w folds wings
If someone with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide, is it a hostage situation?
Thou shalt maintain thine airspeed lest the ground shalt rise up and smite thee
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Reply #14 -
Jun 3
, 2003 at 9:51pm
January 27, 1967
Posts: 4408
Actually, it is possible to survive a ditching in the missions,
But you must modify each mission in order to do so.
A while back I used to build missions for CFS2 and I released a set which I called the "Ditch Test" which included 3 missions where the objective was to ditch the plane under certain circumstances. I managed to do this creating a set of "triggers" and "events" in the mission which allowed the mission to end if the plane came to a complete stop at an altitude of 0 (in the water). The mission would end simular to if you had bailed out over the water. If you would like to see these missions I made (feel free to open them in mission builder and incorporate the technique into the stock missions-if you want to spend the time). The mission is located here:
I plan to modify all the stock missions and release them with this ditch modification when I get the time.
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Reply #15 -
Jun 3
, 2003 at 10:58pm
January 27, 1967
Posts: 4408
OK guys, I have spent the last little while working to incorporate my ditching program to the stock missions. I have so far been able to do so and I hope they will be finished and ready for download in a day or 2.
Check Out My 1969 & 1996 Camaro's
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Reply #16 -
Aug 31
, 2003 at 6:55am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 150
on carrier hit x key
after ditching i think it is the escape then qiut mission
o for got been playing cfs 3
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