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Planes that weren't put in game? (Read 1441 times)
Apr 29th, 2003 at 4:36pm

Sock   Offline
Satan is cool.
Hudson, NY USA

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I was going though CFS2 stuff on dics 1 lookin for the P-39 textures I asked about earlier, and I came across these files.  I opened a couple and I'm asuming they are MS planes in GMax or whatever they modeled them with.  But not only did I find the normal stock planes and the AI, I found two that were out of place, a P-47D and a P-47N.  They were much two detailed to be FDG's Jugs, and the textures and everything else looks like what MS did with CFS2. I'd show them two you, but I don't know how to put pic's in here.  If someone tells me how I'll do it.  Anyway, the planes don't look completed, all the areas that should be rounded, the wingtips, cowl, etc., are anglur, not enough polys I guess.  Is this some part of another campaign that MS skrapped?  Maybe it was an Amry Air Crops campaign.  It is possible.  Did anyone ever see an Air Corps bird in one of the campaigns?  The P-39s, P-38s, B-25s, B-24s, and the C-47s.  I've never seen those planes in the US Navy campaign, but I don't know about the IJN one because I've never done it.  I really don't care for the zero, just a fling match as far as I'm concerned.  So, can anyone shine any light on this?
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Reply #1 - Apr 29th, 2003 at 4:50pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
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Cornwall, England

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We all know those pictures are there but no one knows why. Its possable that they were to be for CFS2 but were taken out of the final release or maybe it was a CFS3 development. We don't know.

You do get the Army Air Corp aircraft in the capaign. Especially when your flying from henderson. So just keep you eye's out. You'll have to escort them in some missions.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #2 - Apr 29th, 2003 at 4:53pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Those are simply textures, not complete aircraft. You can find a lot of stuff like that if you look hard enough, left in either deliberately or by mistake. Someone found a pic of a baby in FS2002, most likely slipped onto the disk by a proud parent. Wink


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Reply #3 - Apr 30th, 2003 at 3:13pm

Sock   Offline
Satan is cool.
Hudson, NY USA

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No, I know there not just textures, I've seen stuff like this before.  And why would anyone go though the trouble of making them?  If you tell me how I put pics in here I'll show them to you.
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Reply #4 - Apr 30th, 2003 at 5:34pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Is this what you mean?


I admit being wrong about it being a texture. It's a screenshot in JPEG format. What it's doing there is one of life's little mysteries. Woody's suggestion is most likely correct. Nothing to get excited about.


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Reply #5 - May 1st, 2003 at 5:10am

_526th_Fireman   Offline
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Yeah!! And also, if you spin Disc 1 backward, you can hear a line that says, "Paul is dead."     Grin

Us old farts will remember that one. Yuk Yuk

Systemax Sabre Ultimate gaming rig.&&&&I got all the goodies and all the power I need to run anything thrown at me for the next two months!
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Reply #6 - May 2nd, 2003 at 5:42am
Lizard Jockey   Guest

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  I just got a good laugh out of that Fireman.  The irony of that is Paul will probably be the last one standing.

While on the topic of other then stock planes, I'm trying to figure out how to get an addon aircraft to show up in Quick Combat as an opponent.  It seems you never can tell what will show up and what won't.  I had to delete an Me 109 off the sim because it kept showing up as a Japanese plane in QC but I can't get the Sally I just installed to show up at all.

While I'm thinking of it, Did anyone else have the Mosqueto offered from here install using the Japanese language file?  Weird.

BTW Hagar, Thanks for all your help. I did all your suggested reading and I now have a much better handle on aircraft installs and everything works.

L. J. Over...
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Reply #7 - May 2nd, 2003 at 7:58am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi L.J. Glad my advice has been some help so far. You should have no problem adding aircraft to the QC database with QC Editor V 2.2.0 by Jaesen Jones.
They must be defined as either Fighter or Bomber in the Family box.

The nationality is defined in the [MISC_DATA] section of the DP.
allegiance=1 is British
allegiance=2 is German
allegiance=3 is US 
allegiance=4 is Japanese

The complete [MISC_DATA] section might be missing from some DP files. You can add it if necessary by copying it from a default DP. Some variables might need modifying to suit a particular type. The nationality options can be extended by replacing country.cfg with the approved updated version.
This will be already be installed if you have the DoA Expansion Pack.

I'm not sure which Mosquito you're referring to so can't comment on that.

PS. I'm old enough to appreciate Fireman's little joke.  Grin


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Reply #8 - May 3rd, 2003 at 6:05am

Lizard_Jockey   Offline
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OK Hagar, I went over and downloaded the QC Editor. I'll go install it now and give this a try.

Funny, I've been flying CFS 2 for over a year now and still haven't done much more then add a few planes and bases, and fly a few campaigns.  When I was flying F-3 then F-4 this long I was addicted and spending vast amounts of time at it.  I think I actually like CFS 2 more   because I'm an avid WW II history reader but nowadays I seem to have too many other projects going.  Maybe if I got a new system I'd fly more.  my unit is nearly 5 years old.

Hope you don't mind all the questions. For as long as I've been flying this sim I should probably be more informed. I have read the manuals thuroghly but none of this file manipulation stuff is in the Microsoft literature.  It's floating around the net in articals here and there.

Thanks again Hagar   L. J. Out.
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Reply #9 - May 3rd, 2003 at 8:38am
Christopher Mair   Guest

Yeah, me too! I even found very rough textures for a Heinkel 111! Yes! And a Mosquito! Also in the Info directory there are two pictures of P47s from the Thunderbolt series, I think the B and the N, but I'm not sure. Anyway these P47 pics were (I think) for use with mission editor (On the info tab on the left when you click on the aircraft in question) Someone's benn kind enough (Thankyou Hagar) to post a message with one of them in it - if you look a couple of messages below the top. And lastly what's the ADDON folder for (in the CFS2 root folder)? It's empty so is this the folder where you move aircraft addons first? Because with the some of the addons that I've used the first step is to extract the files into a temporary folder. Could it be that? I wait for answers with great anticipation!

Christopher Mair, 13, UK
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Reply #10 - May 3rd, 2003 at 8:53am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi L.J. I'm always happy to help when I can. Glad you're enjoying CFS2. Wink

Hi Christopher. M$ don't actually say what the ADDON folder is for. I find it an ideal place to keep all my addon scenery. I'm sure this was their intention too. Check out my CFS2 Scenery Clinic.


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Reply #11 - May 3rd, 2003 at 5:26pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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Posts: 12574
Funny, I've been flying CFS 2 for over a year now and still haven't done much more then add a few planes and bases,

Its not so funny. I had CFS1 for 2 years and I added nothing bar FS98 aircraft which I promptly removed.

CFS2 however... I have duel install and far to many aircraft and campaigns etc. Its getting annoying now. But in the time I've been adding things to CFS I have learnt alot from Hagar and others (mainly Hagar though).

Christofer, can you tell me where you found the Mosquito and He111 textures? I would quite like to see those.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #12 - May 3rd, 2003 at 9:16pm

Lizard_Jockey   Offline
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I've been flying a very nice Mosquito that came with numerous skins: Standard day fighter (Europe), day fighter post "D day" (invasion stripes), Night fighter (black) that I think came from right here on simviation.  It also has a nicely done bomb sight feature.  I fly the Pacific Theater only so I installed a seperate  "China India, Burma" Theater skin which I'm pretty sure also came from here.

The QC Editor works great.  It's so much better when you don't have to take on Georges in your Wildcat over Henderson where they don't belong.  I made catagories for Early and late Nipponese fighter, bombers, German stuff, the works. It's great!

BTW. that Sally from here is exellent to fly against. It's a well done a/c with just the right amount of defensive firepower unlike the MS Betty which has a better cannon then the last F-16 I flew, rediculous!  Also it doesn't instantly go up like a match when hit. It can obsorb a few rounds then start to disintigrate under continued hammering more like the real gun camera shots I've seen. Although, in reading and talking with vets I've often heard of how they might pop one quick burst into a Japanese opponent and the whole thing would immediatly become a white/yellow fireball (no tank blatters).  Commonly, the pilots might actually survive the blast but be on fire themselves when bailing out and just become a flaming streamer when their chute partially deployed.

All in all, the plight of the Japanese pilots was incredably tragic and I have more respect for them the more I learn about that amazing piece of history. 

L. J. Out.
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Reply #13 - May 3rd, 2003 at 11:10pm

jcool28   Offline

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Posts: 80
 Did anyone ever see an Air Corps bird in one of the campaigns?  The P-39s, P-38s, B-25s, B-24s, and the C-47s.  I've never seen those planes in the US Navy campaign, but I don't know about the IJN one because I've never done it.

I'll tell you what Sock I'm doin a Jap campain right now and thoes p-39's are the devil to fly against with the 1st generation zero. I love the nimbleness of the zero but it sure doesnt take as much punnishment as a good ol navy bird.

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