Is this behaviour normal for the Lear? When making a heading change with AP the aircraft tends to 'fall' into the turn and won't recover without a joystick input or a bid speed build up increasing the lift.
I have ROC and ROD set to 1800 but the pink indicator on this instrument will not shift from the zero position when making AP altitude chages and the actual AP ROC/D is around 500 fpm.
Can this be an icing problem? I'm quite new to FS 2002 but I'm sure this aircraft doesn't usually perform like this!
Hi Lib and welcome to the forum.
I don't fly the Lear much but to answer your question, yes it could be icing although I wouldn;t expect it to have an effect on the glass instruments in that panel.
All sorts of icing effects are modelled in FS2002, but they only turn up under the right weather conditions.
If you've been flying with real weather, I'd suggest trying a test flight without it and see if you encounter the same problem. You shouldn't get any icing with the default settings.
If it still occurs, can you confirm that you're using the default aircraft and panel, and if not, which ones you are using?