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Do you want realalistic Fire Trucks as a addon ?
Not Sure
« Created by: Captain : Chad M Klein on: Apr 8
, 2003 at 5:30am »
Pages: 1
FireTruck Design (Read 1010 times)
Apr 7
, 2003 at 4:36am
Captain Chad M Klein
[color=Red][/color]Ok guys now I know some of you have to be designers out there but this is my plan. I think me and someone else should get together and design some real life like firetrucks and emergentcy vehicles . I have recently spoken to Microsoft about this idea and he saisd that if i can prove in any way that it would be a seller to have a firetreuck simulator out then they would do it . I would be willing to help you guys with whatever you want if ytou could do this . The firetrucks would havre to be lifelike and all abd if anyone is intrested please contact me I think it would be a great idea !!!
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Reply #1 -
Apr 7
, 2003 at 7:04am
Chris Sm,ith
hey yea man that would be a great idea but i dont design anything really i have tried it and it was not a good idea so yea i think that would be good as long as the trucks looked professional or at least half way decent that would be a whole new erra to flight sim good thinking 8)
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Reply #2 -
Apr 7
, 2003 at 9:04am
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
It's an interesting concept - to a certain extent, a similar game was put out by the same folks that made the SimCity (I think) series, and it revolved around EMTs....
The problem with a "Fire Truck" sim is not so much the modelling of the trucks but what to do with it. The question is - "Will a Fire Department Simulation Sell" ???
I think there's a hardcore of gamers that would take on the challenge - of which driving the truck(s) is the "easy" part. Make driving the truck the key part of a simulation and it's another "racing" game.... But an interesting.... one to say the least.
1. Realistic performance on the trucks - (Do the engines/pumpers/ladder trucks, emergency trucks handle that differently? You'd have different sizes for diffferent environments.
2. "Full realism action" Not all trucks have automatic transmissions, simulate loss of air brakes, etc. etc.
3. You come across a sudden detour in the road....
4. Urban/Suburban/Rural/ Forest Scenarios (take your Hummer fire fighter into the forest.....)
The missions are scored by how fast you can get to the randomly generated address...
Make an open architecture so you can have add-on vehicles and scenery ...
Now - where can you get decent scale drawings of the fire fighting equipment?
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Reply #3 -
Apr 7
, 2003 at 9:45am
Chad Klein
ok thanks for responding well here is kinda the deal i am thinking of . I think if someone designed a firetruck as a addon for flight simulator 2002 it would be a great hit but also my way of showing microsoft what i am seeing here . Now I am a fireman myself and I have been wanting a Firetruck game of some sore to come out . I know for a fact 99.9% of fireman and emergentcy workers would buy the game but the thing I am more looking at right now is the fact of someone developing a good good addon for flight sim and it be a firetruck and make it as accurate as possible . Noe i am also certafied private pilot and I juat think that if someone would design and make a good firetruck addon that would be totally awesome and I and i am sure many others would love it I just hope someone is willing so if anyone is willing or has any suggestions about this let me know and thnaks to the last person that responded to my topic all your facts are true but like you see what i am getting at ?
Thanks Chad
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Reply #4 -
Apr 7
, 2003 at 10:01am
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
Definitely - "baby steps" start with a good model of a fire truck, then gauge the response.... add another... then....
I think the "market" for "heavy metal" is there - Secretly there are a heck of a lot of folks that would like to drive a fire truck ..
Now - can you point to some site that would have at least a side , front and back views that could be used?
thnaks to the last person that responded to my topic all your facts are true but like you see what i am getting at ?
Thanks Chad
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Reply #5 -
Apr 7
, 2003 at 10:53am
Chad Klein
Hey whats up yea i can give you a site that has some vies now see thbis fire truck on this page i am gonna give you the link to is what i am looking at that is the most popular truck you can find as in fire rescue and i know emergentcy workers love that truck as i do myself here is the link
that is it go there and take a look and reply back and let me know what you think
Thanks Chad 8)
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Reply #6 -
Apr 7
, 2003 at 10:12pm
GA and Rotory Wing!
Dallas, TX, USA
Posts: 260
Gotta admit this is kinda a cool idea! I can totally see driving that thing around the tarmac, if only you would get the occasional AI wreckage you could actually use it.
I love driving in the sim, have most of the vehicles available and with active camera you can almost simulate going to your aircraft.
The water effects are there, just need to firetruck model and some configuring of the effect file, and you are in business!
CalVirAir International VA
Cougar Mountain Helicopters
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Reply #7 -
Apr 7
, 2003 at 10:59pm
Chad Klein
Yea I mean I thought it would be a good idea because it would give flight sim something more a little extra and it would be fun , as long as whoevere the designer was that developed it researched it and I could help them alot with that because I am a Captain at a fire department and i have talked to some of them about it and they thought that would be a great idea , I would do it myself in a second if i knew how to di it but I dont know how to design stuff wish I did but i dont , see the way I would want it and how everyone would like it if the truck had sirens on it just like actull sirens of the truck i have all the sound bites of diffrent sirens and thenh make the lights work i think that would be awesome and alot of people agree with me but if anyone would be intrested in doing this i would help you as much as possible i do know alot about firetrucks and everything about them so if someone is intrested let me know and well get the sho on the road
Chad Klein
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Reply #8 -
Apr 8
, 2003 at 3:09am
Chad Klein
By the way I think felix is the one that said they had a game out that had firetrucks in it or sometrhing or they doid i dont remeber but felix if you remeber that games name or if anyone knows whyere i could get a game like that let me know that would help me somewhat also but yea just let know
Chad Klein
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Reply #9 -
Apr 8
, 2003 at 2:30pm
Posts: 6920
I can't remember correctly, but I think I saw a firetruck looking almost or exactly like that in Homestead Air Reserve Base in Miami, Florida, USA. In FS2002, it's known as Dade Co-Homestead Regl.
I also saw many other models in the base that are designed to put out fires that surround aircraft (in the base there are F-16's, F-15's I think, and many more).
Has anyone else visited that base?
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Reply #10 -
Apr 8
, 2003 at 2:39pm
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
THe American laFrance site has some interesting documentation - especially useable drawings of the cabs.
A credible model is feasible. Properly, such a vehicle has more bits and pieces to model than an airplane model - all those gauges, lights, valve covers, ladders, hoses, .... I don't think a textured block for the folded hoses would be accepatable - except as a low res LOD model...
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Reply #11 -
Apr 9
, 2003 at 12:09am
Chad Klein
Yea I dunno but I have been working on some stuff with the paintshop pro or whatever and i think it is comeing along but as for the firetruck i have never ever tried to design anything like that but i think maybe i could get the paint job on it i dunno lol but anyways i am still wanting so bad for the firetrujck project to happen and whoevere takes up the plan that would eb cool but yea i put a poll up to let people vote so they can tell me what they think awell so anyone who looks at this go vote and tell me what ya think thanks
Chad Klein 8)
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Reply #12 -
Apr 9
, 2003 at 5:12pm
1st Lieutenant
~ The Skys The Limit ~
Asheville , North Carolina
Posts: 2
8) Well I dunno un;less you guys have asny ideas i think i am going to put this firetruck project on hold lol but if you have ideas yea i would love to hear them i need to concentrate on aircraft i think but o well i would like to know where i could get vehicle addons for flight sim though i have no clue i have seen people with vehicles in the game but i dont know so i am off this topic but talk to you guys later peacee
Chad M Klein&&NorthStar Weather Recon&&USAF Sen Leut&&
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Reply #13 -
Apr 12
, 2003 at 10:27pm
Antioch, California
Posts: 1505
Hey Chad, I think it is a great idea! I have been toying with the idea myself. Just the time involved for such a project. As far as a Firefighting Simulation... I would love the idea, all I seem to find are
, a good simulation would be very nice... and why not, they made a Train Simulation (which I have, but no longer even have it installed on my system because it was rather boring).
A good firefighting simulation would be excellent, choose the appropriate apparatus for the situation, etc.
Email me, and maybe I can help you...
and be sure to reference this subject in the
subject line
HP Pavillion = p7-1233w
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