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Question: Add-On Most Wanted

« Created by: Airbrat on: Mar 25th, 2003 at 9:23pm »

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Add-On Aircraft Most Wanted (Read 10534 times)
Reply #30 - May 10th, 2003 at 10:54pm
dat02   Guest

I'd like to see a few RN & USN aircraft, such as the Seafire, Corsair (RN version) & especially the Sea Fury.
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Reply #31 - Jun 21st, 2003 at 1:44pm

Whiskey_Zulu   Offline
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I would like to see some transports (DC3, that tri-engine German one, for example), just to use for target practice.  Maybe throw in seaplanes in a similar vein.

A U.S. heavy bomber (B-17 or -24) would be great to try out.  The Me109K and the Fw109D9 I think are important enough to add. 

I also really like the idea of the stuff the Germans were working on at the end of the war but never finished, and I'm glad MS already included a few.  The Germans had a 2-engine strategic bomber they developed but gave up on.

Completely fictional planes would be great.  How about something like a B-25 or -26 with jet engines?

Maybe even thow in some Korean War era planes (F-86s, Mig-15s).
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Reply #32 - Jun 21st, 2003 at 2:15pm
Darcy   Guest

Why not some X planes tlike the Bell X1. It would be neat to break the sound barrier without having your wing fall off.  You could drop from a B29 or try it from the ground. (They did that once and were able to reach mach 1). Why not a V1 or V2 to shoot down.  There were V1s in CFS1 right? I'd like to try and ram a V2 headed for London or something along that line.
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Reply #33 - Jun 21st, 2003 at 3:19pm

Sock   Offline
Satan is cool.
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For Zulu's idea of all those German aircraft that never were to be, if you don't all ready know about it, check out ; Great artwork and even specs for some of them.  If you look for it, there's a plane called the Hs P.75, that would be nice.  But I would imagine that most designers know about that site.
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Reply #34 - Jun 21st, 2003 at 4:49pm
Darcy   Guest

I'm sure that there was an airplane that looked just like the P 75 in Crison Skies.  I wonder why?  ???
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Reply #35 - Jun 21st, 2003 at 9:19pm

denishc   Offline
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  What, no Japanese aircraft??  How about a N1K1-Ja, a Ki-100, a Ki-84 or even a Ki-45.  Lets not forget the war in the Pacific!!
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Reply #36 - Jun 22nd, 2003 at 1:20pm

Sock   Offline
Satan is cool.
Hudson, NY USA

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Posts: 2098
There was a Hs P.75 in Crimson Skies, I think they called it a bloodhawk...They also used another late war German design.  The Blohm & Voss BV P.170, a fighter-bomber design, the one that had the three engines and the cockpit and horizontal stapilizers in the rear.  Interesting plane, you can read about it at,
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Reply #37 - Jun 24th, 2003 at 4:13am

Nod   Offline

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Darcy, if you download the mission builder from the MS site you can build missions with V1's and then chase them and shoot them down. Only problem is they don't fly like the real ones, they are too slow.

Having said that, there is a full set of missions with revamped V1's posted on the CFS3 section of this site. So you could always download that.
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Reply #38 - Jun 24th, 2003 at 2:19pm
Darcy   Guest

COOL!  8)
I will have to try that out.
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Reply #39 - Jun 27th, 2003 at 1:24am

Jiebs   Offline
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anyone for a HE111
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Reply #40 - Jun 27th, 2003 at 3:27am

RAAF_Tony   Offline

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Please guys...we need some WW1 aircraft Smiley
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Reply #41 - Jul 16th, 2003 at 1:25pm

capt._pigman   Offline
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Well i think that we should have more planes of the type that did not make it to the war in time (if anyone needs ideas/drawings check out

Would love to see a good meteor or maybe a focke-Wulf Ta 183 Smiley
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Reply #42 - Jul 19th, 2003 at 12:15pm

SPITFRND   Offline
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Mark XIV Grin
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Reply #43 - Jul 19th, 2003 at 12:27pm

Whitey   Offline

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Hurricane IIC.  I hate not having cannons! Grin
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Reply #44 - Jul 19th, 2003 at 7:35pm

Whiskey_Zulu   Offline
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What is really needed is a top-rate German fighter, something that can handle the Spitfire of P-55.  Those planes just totally out-class that Bf-109 and Fw-190.  I think a Ta-152 would be good.
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