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Cfs2 C47 (Read 1168 times)
Mar 15th, 2003 at 10:14am

Fruitbat   Offline
Norfolk, England

Gender: male
Posts: 22
.Hi Folks.
A while ago I downloaded the from Simviation to enable me to fly the AI C47 in Cfs2. I never managed to get it working. I always got "This aircraft will not initialise" or something similar. I still have the zip and have tried to get it working again with the same results. Does anyone know what is causing this?
Alternatively does anyone know of any other freeware WW2 C47s available?
I have the Spooky.Zip from Simviation, but that is for a later model with a minigun.
I have written a mission specifically for this plane so it would be nice to have an appropriate aircraft to fit it.
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Reply #1 - Mar 15th, 2003 at 10:30am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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I'm not familiar with but if it simply converts the default C-47 into a flyable aircraft you should have no problems. This is usually a case of changing the Aircraft Type in the AIR file from 2 to 0 although it won't have a panel & might not perform too well as a flyable aircraft. There are various "AI Aircraft Flyable" files posted in the CFS2 section which do basically the same. The AIR files may or may not be modified to improve performance.

If it's a 3rd party aircraft there is a conflict with some earlier designs & WinXP. This gives an error message similar to the one you describe. This bug can usually be fixed with the MDL Repair Utility here.

PS. I just found This is for CFS1 & no use for converting the CFS2 C-47. Try CFS2 Fly instead.


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Reply #2 - Mar 15th, 2003 at 7:53pm

Fruitbat   Offline
Norfolk, England

Gender: male
Posts: 22
Cheers Hagar.
I've got it now. I had looked everywhere except the misc. folder.
I had forgotten that I'd downloaded some Cfs1 stuff.
If the mission works ok, I'll post it.
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