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CFS built in scenery editor (Read 2928 times)
Jan 24th, 2010 at 12:39pm

mag_ddave   Offline
Ddave Ops-CFS Scenery

Gender: male
Posts: 121
S! and Hiya Doug !

Well....its been a VERY long time since I've been here. Had trouble remembering my old sign on. The RAF662, of which I am a remember those guys right  Wink are reviving a CFS1 squad to fly Ark deck parties, a little ILS and maybe some Bern/Interlaken bomb runs just for old times sake.  What I am trying to find are the commands for activating the built in scenery editor for CFS1. Also may be a tute on how to use slew mode to move objects, forward, back, up and down etc. I've looked and I can't seem to find them anywhere. Any help here on that ? I don't have and have not used Airport 2.60 in YEARS ( been flying IL2 ) so I don't want to go there, thus the simple in game scenery builder would be great.

Also, there are a few bgl conflicts for the add on sceneries. As I recall, I think that the base tile for the scenery is set to a default  size thats fairly big, so if you put two sceneries too close together, then you get really wild crazy blurry looking graphics . Can you use the BGL excluder tool to shrink that tile size, or do you have to go back in Airport and resize it ? I hope not, I want to keep this REALLY simple, thats the whole point of flying CFS again. Any help would be appreciated .

RAF_Ddave aka MAG_Ddave aka Ddave the ex-scenery builder Cheesy

btw please feel free to drop by and visit us. We are still VERY active and have members world wide.

OK ! Found the slew commands. Looked in Help section of CFS...duh...still need the command to activate the scenery editor tho

OK AGAIN ! FOUND IT from a 2002 post. Whew Shocked Simple , just add to the config file. If you have never used this , its a breeze compared to Airport, not a fancy but tons of fun.


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Reply #1 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 4:32pm

H   Offline
2003: the year NH couldn't
save face...

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Posts: 6837
Unfortunately I've limited access at the library. My missions are done on my own computer in Notepad but I've reworked some bgl files, too. Textures are done with MSPaint, PP8, SerifDraw or a combination thereof (usually work with 24-bit and convert to 256).

Have fun,

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Reply #2 - Feb 2nd, 2010 at 8:33am

Hubbabubba   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
Fitter and Rigger

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Posts: 5
~S~ Ddave

I'm "Fitter and Rigger" at AAC and we still play CFS1 games every Sundays at noon, Eastern Time. My own COMBATFS.CFG file reads;

Scenery_Edit_File=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\scenery\marker

The last line is pointing to the last scenery I was working on. The line before... beats me! Shocked

The slew mode, as you have probably re-discovered by now, comes automatically when you go in scenery-making mode. Open that mode in a reduced window. Otherwise, the multiple windows will all be on top of each others.

The "scenery conflicts" are caused by a little quirk within your newly created BGL scenery files. Turns out that ALL objects have a 100 km radius in their "Area" settings. This is the radius at which the object in placed in "stanby" in the scenery buffer zone.
; ----------------------------------------
; Object # 4, offset: 0x0139 size: 101 bytes (0x0065)
;; Lat: 00052C6CCh Lon: 001A3B9D6h
; ----------------------------------------
Area( A N48:48:54.19 E002:18:20.24
     CrashIndirect( :L000188 :L00015C :L00017C 0 0 )
     ShadowCall( :L00015C )
     PerspectiveCall( :L00015A )
     Jump( : )
     RefPoint( rel :L000186  0.50 N48:48:54.21 E002:18:20.24
           V1= 0 V2= 36 )
     RotatedCall( :L000188   0   0 116 )
     CallLibObj( 0 9797FC57 8A930060 11D14AC5 A028DBFE )

So, all objects in all CFS1 made BGL within 62 miles of your a/c are piling-up in the buffer zone. Add a hefty scenery, like our squadron base, AAC_Ripe, in the middle, and you will probably end with a "deck of card" effect, what you described as "really wild crazy blurry looking graphics".

Using exclude commands does very little, if any. The solution here is to reduce that "
" to more realistic values. For huge structures (Big Ben, Eifel tower, and the like, "30" will do. For buildings and runways, "22" is the norm. For tiny objects (pill boxes, trucks, tents...), "12", or even less, should be considered.

For the disassembling-reassembling process, I suggest BGLAnalyse, available from many sources. Make your BGL, disassemble it, change the Area radii in all Areas, reassemble, and voilà!

At the AAC, we often use RAF662 bombers, so if you come to our games, which are open to all, not only members, you will feel at home. For more inquiries, leave a post at our forum ;

The guy who said that "lightnings never strikes twice at the same place" was not grasping the lightning rod concept.
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Reply #3 - Feb 2nd, 2010 at 7:42pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
There's a tute on this posted in the Simv CFS section. Bottom link on this page.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
Member of the Fox Four Group

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Reply #4 - Feb 3rd, 2010 at 10:47am

Hubbabubba   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
Fitter and Rigger

Gender: male
Posts: 5
This is a good primer on CFS1 scenery editor basics, but it does not delve into Ddave buffer overflow issues.

Go to Flightsim search engine (sorry Simviation Smiley) and search for «» file. You will also need SCASM by Manfred Moldenhauer. Simply google it, it should pop on top of the list.

Added bonuses;
-you can change size to other than x1 or x3;
-you can plant smoke stacks and, after changing the call, create trees (the CFS1 editor don't do trees Undecided!);
-you can add "time of the day" conditional jumps, making certain objects only appear, or appear differently, at night.

These are the ones I've tried, they may well be others.

Have fun!

The guy who said that "lightnings never strikes twice at the same place" was not grasping the lightning rod concept.
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Reply #5 - Mar 9th, 2010 at 2:35pm

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241
~S~ Ddave,

Been a while for me, too. Wink

It sounds like it's more than you want to get involved with, but have you thought of looking here:

Martin was the man when it came to cfs1 scenery tools - could be worth a look.

BTW - let me know if you get round to those CFS1 fly-ins, I'd love to come along if I can (little Squadron Leader allowing...)


(Currently _79_Pads in Hyperlobby - though I probably get to fly once a quarter these days... Parenthood, it's own reward... Wink)
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Reply #6 - Mar 31st, 2010 at 8:34am

mag_ddave   Offline
Ddave Ops-CFS Scenery

Gender: male
Posts: 121
Hiya Pads!

It's been a long time pal.Still have and fly your AT6/SNJ with nav equipment in CFS2. Thx fellas for the reply Hubba and Hagar. I have always wondered about the "house of cards" effect in bgl conflict. I dl'd airport 2.60 again and fooled around in it, also have Scasam and will have to get BGL anaylse. Use to have it. I had tons of stuff from Martin Wright's site. RAF662's main sim is Il2 1946 with Ultra Pack 2.0 updates but some members also fly Rise of Flight and some old hands dabble in CFS1. All are welcome to join in. Just check our boards at . Thx again fellas, just like old times eh  Wink

RAF_Ddave aka MAG_Ddave aka Ddave
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