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Is This How It's Done? (Read 1190 times)
Mar 11th, 2003 at 10:47am

congo   Offline
Make BIOS your Friend

Gender: male
Posts: 3663
I ran Riva Tuner and overclocked my GF4 MX460 by 7.5% in both GPU and ram. I don't have any other mods or cooling other than stock cpu and Video Card fans, so I didn't go very high.

The computer specs: AMD XP1800+ @ 1.53ghz, 512mb PC2100 DDR, Asus A7S333 M/board, Seagate Barracuda 80gig HDD, WinXPpro.

It seemed to run fine at this setting. Does anyone know if it's safe to leave it o/clocked like that? And is there a way to find out what speed the card is actually running at?

Does anyone know how far these cards can be o/clocked safely, I don't think this m/board supports any voltage tweaks on the AGP slot, at least there is nothing is the manual or bios settings about it.

Standard Settings:


Overclocked 7.5%:


My settings for the card were AAlias off, BLEND on nv29.42 driver, DX8.1. Test done @ 1024 x 768 x32 res.

...Mainboard: Asus P5K-Premium, CPU=Intel E6850 @ x8x450fsb 3.6ghz, RAM: 4gb PC8500 Team Dark, Video: NV8800GT, HDD: 2x1Tb Samsung F3 RAID-0 + 1Tb F3, PSU: Antec 550 Basiq, OS: Win7x64, Display: 24" WS LCD
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Reply #1 - Apr 11th, 2003 at 9:20pm

MattNW   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 1762
Overclocking any processor is unsafe. The question is just how unsafe and how able you are to stand to loose it. 7.5% isn't too much so you should still get a decent life out of the card. I'd suggest a cooling upgrade if possible. That's the best buy for you bucks if your overclocking.

Just be careful with the CPU. The AMD 18+ runs pretty hot as it is. I burned one when building my present system with a small error in setting my bios. Presently I'm using the stock fan but a Super Tower box with 3 vent fans (1 intake and 2 exhaust. Darn box tries to taxi on me if I don't lock the castors.  Grin) and it stays just within safe temps.

In Memory of John Consterdine (FS Tipster)1962-2003
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Reply #2 - Jul 25th, 2003 at 9:08pm

chomp_rock   Offline
I must confess, I was
born at a very early

Gender: male
Posts: 2718
Cooling is helpfull! you can make evrything last longer and run faster by cooling it well. My system runs at an amazing 45 degrees f with my home-built compressed-freon case refrigerator. but i needed to build a de-humidifier so condensation would not collect and damage my pc.

AMD Athlon 64 3700+&&GeForce FX5200 256Mb&&1GB DDR400 DC&&Seagate 500Gb SATA-300 HDD&&Windows XP Professional X64 Edition
&&&&That's right, I'm now using an AMD! I decided to give them another try and they kicked the pants off of my P4 3.4!
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Reply #3 - Jul 31st, 2003 at 6:47am

PC_Tech   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 11
Most Athlon XP's have protection on them now that will stop them burning out. You computer should shut down before this happens.

You should download a Motherboard utility and keep your eye on temps etc, especially when running games.

Run 3dmark, then check your temps - if you have no problems, you should be right.

More fans are always a good idea, and a bigger cpu fan will help a lot. As for the video card - I wouldn't suggest overclocking it unless you are familiar with voltage settings etc. Setting your memory and core speeds too high will destroy your card pretty quick.


The golden rule for overclocking is to go tiny steps at a time, and any instability in your system, reduce your settings immediately.

Read up on Latency settings for your ram, lower settings will give you better performance as your memory will be accessed a lot quicker.

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