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Real World >> Autos >> Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles

Message started by Strategic Retreat on Dec 10th, 2011 at 6:16pm

Title: Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles
Post by Strategic Retreat on Dec 10th, 2011 at 6:16pm
6.5 KM per liter... with that gas mileage you'd better be filthy rich and uncaring of expenses or ready to call for a place in a poorhouse, hereabout. :-?

Ever since last Friday, gasoline costs the trifle of 1.75€ per liter here in Italy. We are once again first place. The ones with the more expensive fuel ON THE WHOLE PLANET! A record I would have really liked not to get, but our politicians strongly disagreed. :(

What is it about people on the other side of the pond to have gasoline which is cheaper than Coke? ::)


Don't answer. It was a rhetorical question.

If you have my age and don't know the answer to that question, you either lived on Mars all your life or you REALLY have an urgent need to look for a good doctor. This is why it's rhetorical.

Title: Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles
Post by Ivan on Jan 1st, 2012 at 4:47pm
  • Eco taxes
  • 'We know you wont stop driving no matter how much we charge' tax
  • 'Filling budget holes without solving the real problem' tax

And even in the mideast they arent that low on prices... Iraq is on euro levels even though they have loads of cheap to refine oil.

Title: Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles
Post by Strategic Retreat on Jan 4th, 2012 at 3:56pm

Ivan wrote on Jan 1st, 2012 at 4:47pm:
'Filling budget holes without solving the real problem' tax

Especially this last, here.


In Italy, we're still paying, on the petrol, taxes for the military expenses of the colonial wars in Africa of the first 30ies and the Desert Storm in the first 90ies, and at the sole mentioning of the possibility of lifting those obsolete taxes off the people's pockets NOW, over thirty years after the more recent and almost a century from the other, our own bloodsuckers called politicians get all shifty eyed, ambiguous spoken and selectively deaf until the request is dropped out of SHEER EXHAUSTION.

Laugh at will. We thoroughly deserve it. :(

Title: Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles
Post by Strategic Retreat on Jan 5th, 2012 at 11:01pm

Steve M wrote on Jan 4th, 2012 at 8:18pm:
Spelling police here.. F is close to T on the keyboard so maybe its a typo. Shifty does not have an f in it.


Of the OTHER shi-f-t, we have right under out nose, so we can feel its generous fragrances and cannot open out mouths to protest without swallowing generous amount of it. If you want to know about shi-f-t, ask an Italian, we know more about it than a lot of other people. :P

Title: Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles
Post by Apex on Jan 6th, 2012 at 7:59am
To the mods and everyone else here.

This post was originally a long, friendly and informative post about the history of my car, a well-written post, as are all of mine, and written so as to share this with the community here.  In that post I made one very brief statement about my gas mileage, that statement was simply what gas mileage I get, nothing more.  These incoherent and negative replies are why I deleted my post, I saw it was going south rapidly and was hoping to stop that.  It obviously did not work.

In my entire time here at Simviation, I have seen only friendly replies, never such negativety, especially in the first and last lines of the first response here.  There are other things I'd like to post at Simviation but now hesitate to do so because I do not want to invoke responses like this.

I would appreciate it if the negative comments would stop.  They are totally uncalled for.  My post was not about the price of gas nor the politics surrounding it, there was no need to turn it into something totally unrelated.

Thank you,


Title: Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles
Post by Steve M on Jan 6th, 2012 at 1:20pm
My apologies for my reply. I deleted my original reply.
I can't speak for the other nonconformists but you won't suffer from my inane comments in your threads again.
I came to this site because some thread wandering is allowed and sometimes I think its Human nature that makes a conversation drift. If Simv were to become a spit and polish aviation discussion with no other options I would have never signed in. I'm still not quite sure where you wanted a discussion about your used car to go.   


Title: Re: Ten years, 23,000 miles
Post by Apex on Jan 6th, 2012 at 6:04pm
Thank you, Steve.  I wasn't having a problem with your comment, it's the others.  I do believe that we all must have an openness as far as replies and commenting go, but after keeping silent the first time around, I had to at least level the playing field, and I did so in a diplomatic manner. 

The discussion regarding my car was not intended to go anywhere, just talking about it, that's all. 

I appreciate your attention to this, however.  We've got a great site here, a great community, we're all friends here, and I do my best to share and keep things interesting. 

And thread wandering is one factor that makes adds interest, we all know that. 

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